
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Lethal humanoid monsters, weird voice acting (likely not AI though) and "telephone"-distorted audio (it's not just because I limited the bitrate to 20 kb/s to fit under 10 MiB, the YouTube video is like that). It's an artistic choice but not a very rare one, so likely not directly inspired by H. P. Lovecraft's audiobooks.


cross-posted from:

This Catgirl is a GBU-12 Paveway II Laser-Guided Bomb (narrated & illustrated story by Atamonica for KommandoStore)

This is stretching the limits of what can be uploaded to, as there is a 3600-frame and 10-MiB limit, as (yes, I probably should have used If you want all the 23.976 frames per second and slightly higher audio bitrate, watch the original on YouTube.

[–] 12 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (2 children)

Some of them use bismuth, which is as weakly radioactive as it gets, but why? It's still a heavy metal and might be poisonous if parts of it shed off.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Yeah, I'm using Joplin over Nextcloud and it would absolutely be compatible, the Markdown syntax is the same after all.


(The joke is that US Christians whine about being ostracized while every US president so far has publicly claimed to be a Christian, although that claim's validity is debatable for many. There are other groups that haven't been represented in the position, including worshippers of any other religion, women, openly LGBT+ folk, and until 2009, non-Caucasians.)

I saw an ad for this article because I forgot to enable adblocker and clicked it to make them lose money. I needed to wait for it to get approved but they did not notice the satire.

The article, for the record, says:

[Stock photo of a cross with Bible quote overlaid]:

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God"
(Ephesians 6:12-17)



March 26, 2024

There is a general lukewarmness in the Church today and it would appear to have started after the Covid 19 pandemic. It is not peculiar to this nation and it is not a good sign. People are now very lazy about the things of God; lazy to gather, they prefer virtual meetings instead. This is in direct violation of the word of God. How many people even participate in the virtual meetings properly? Many times during the virtual service, some people are busy doing other things in their homes. This is a lie of the devil, a very big one.

The Church is in dire need of revival. The Church in this nation is under the siege of spiritual terrorism. It is not just ordinary. The level of physical terrorism going on in this nation is not ordinary, there is more to it. They are getting bolder by the day and because they have noticed that there is no push back, they keep pushing for more grounds and take more territories.

Today, there is a very blurry of line between the world and the Church; tradition of the people (vain traditions) and the Church. It happens even in the Church. It is written in the Bible that a time will come when it will be difficult for anyone to be a Christian.

"You may as well know this too, Timothy, that in the last days 
it is going to be very difficult to be a Christian”.

2 Timothy 3:1 TLB

A lot of people are too encumbered. God’s work is a fiery work, only burning forces can move it forward. If you are no longer passionate about the things of God, it is an indication that something has gone terribly wrong. I pray that God will silence every voice of the adversary that is trying to put off the fire of God in your life, trying to dilute, trying to diffuse, trying to dislocate, trying to confuse, trying to deceive, trying to disrupt and trying to divert to direct your attention away from the presence of God in the mighty name of Jesus.

Nothing is better than being in the presence of God. The Psalmist understood it when he said, I was glad when they say to me, let us go into the house of the Lord. That should be our song; to be excited when we are called into the presence of God. It is only in the presence of God that you find meaning to life, that you find fulfillment, treasures and fullness of joy. That is the only place that makes sense.


  • Lord, please help me. Do not allow me to get cold. I want to be where you want me to be at all times doing what you want me to do and fulfilling it all the way, all the time.
  • Hear my cry and attend to the voice of my supplication. Be not far from me. Do not allow me to put the things that should come last first and put the things that should come first last. Help me not to put the wrong foot forward.
  • Make me a person of your presence. I desire your presence more than I desire gold. Grant me grace to walk with you. Supernaturally empower me that I may operate in the highest in the name of Jesus.
  • Uphold me by your spirit and guide me. Shield me, O Lord, from taking wrong decisions. Help me to prioritize aright. For one thing is needful: your presence. Help me. I depend on you.
  • Do not allow me to get cold. Let the fire of your presence be intensified in my life in the name of Jesus.
  • Kindle the fire of your presence and keep me burning for you; keep me aglow in the name of Jesus. Thank you, Lord. I give you praise, in Jesus’ name.


The comment thread:

George Goode Willow / June 2, 2024 at 8:55 pm:

Oh no, not the anti-Christian society of today! I pray I’ll live to see an openly Christian president in the US.

Liked by 1 person

holyghostfellowship / June 2, 2024 at 10:40 pm:


Anyway, there is another comment:
Well, how did you end up on the sodomy, sodomy, weed website, Arsnof?

And look, they celebrate June as ummm... New Month!

[–] 0 points 4 months ago

This is GRUB’s final warning before you dig too deep in the OS list. Never hold ⬇️ for more than 45 minutes. If you do, make sure you have punch tape with a bootloader available or you'll have to manually enter machine code instructions to get your computer back up.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

If cookie clicker was real:

[–] 9 points 5 months ago

Keyword: cirno head empty

[–] 3 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I am not aware of any receipt printers using lasers - thermal printers have an array of resistors that get hot when necessary. I know how a laser printer works and it is hard to explain in 12 or so words. Inkjets are way easier, you can just say "squirt squirt oops". Anyway...

  1. A photosensitive drum gets a negative electrostatic charge.
  2. A laser shining through a rotating prism scans lines across the drum's surface. This removes charge from parts of the drum that should not be covered in toner.
  3. A high-voltage corona wire inside the toner reservoir charges an amount of toner positively.
  4. The charged drum rotates past the corona wire, getting covered in toner where its negative charge remains.
  5. Paper is pushed against the drum and the powdery toner is transferred to it.
  6. The paper continues into a fuser, a little oven where a heating element briefly makes the toner so hot that it melts, its powder particles making a permanent bond among themselves and with the paper. (The heater is usually stationary and heats the paper from below. The fuser drum that pushes paper against the heater can get sticky and pick up some of the toner, making images repeat down the page. This is the most common failure mode that cannot be resolved through regular maintenance such as replacing the toner cartridge and printing cleaning pages. However, almost all laser printers have a cheap fuser module or its drum available so it is usually worth replacing.)
[–] 5 points 6 months ago (4 children)

Laser printers more accurately "bake paper so that number powder sticks to it"

[–] 3 points 6 months ago

I wonder if there is a notification ad blocker with community-submittted sets of regex patterns that root users can use.

[–] 8 points 6 months ago

Finally we know...

[–] 11 points 6 months ago

Here is the auto-generated transcript (for research purposes only)

oh isn't it a beautiful day how cutie
the sun's bright the birds are singing
nicely it's a good as day as any to go
and touch
grass yeah I I know I know um it's
important though I need to go to the
store it's been a while and you know
replenish the
pantry um it'll be okay though I promise
I'll be back soon it shouldn't take too
long and no no you don't you please
don't come with me I can touch enough
grass for the both of us and I promise
I'll be back soon okay nothing bad's
going to
happen but in case I don't come back
please feed
mocha and take care of her for
no I've got to go now before I check it
out I'll I'll see you later okay you
just stay nice and safe inside
okay good
cutie all right that was easy got
everything I need yeah okay I've got to
hurry home now uh I've probably got to
switch out the cuties
bandages maybe we refill the ice pack
and ah goodness oh I didn't see that
puddle it was surprisingly deep and now
my boots are
muddy that's okay though once I get home
I can wipe them huh holy goodness
gracious why is no one watching where
they're going right now I almost dropped
the eggs all right well that's okay
anyways it's that a car please bra
out think I'm okay oh no not another one
the in my
ankles no please stop this way please no
happens I need to get
home if I can make it

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by to c/

Image 077 from the 1995 5000 Cliparts Vol. 3 CD-ROM by Nova Media Verlag, extracted from its page.

View at native resolution (problematic on mobile, try downloading instead) • Browse all images from the collection


Embed attempt

Edit: Folks, I keep telling you it's VERY unlikely to be malware.

I’ll update you and apologize to each if my credit card gets wiped or something but I’m quite sure I’m safe, don't worry.

Also sorry for blaming Microsoft for what is apparently my fault.

I accidentally clicked Microsoft Edge on my work computer with Windows 10 and couldn't close it — it just keeps reopening. It takes File Shredder to stop it from opening again, at least until the computer restarts.

Notice the ads, most are extremely sketchy (my frequent reload in previous takes caused the ad server + my work VPN to rate limit me):

  • China warns: %user.currency% is dead! (Yeah, sure. Obvious propaganda. Generic pictures or faked images of a worthless banknote giveaway.)
  • 63-year-old figured out! (Does not say what but a pic of obviously young-looking feet.)
  • Make boatloads of money with AI! (aka auto-trade very uncompetitive options, no guarantees on withdrawals of any wins)
  • Save money using solar! (The company is legitimate but the deal on panels is probably not great)
  • Buy yourself a great new FPCEILPTBSP! (You can't tell what it is and neither can we! (Apparently TV wall mount))
  • Losing hair?
  • Millionaire has genius method you can try (but give us money first, making his pic transparent so we can put him in front of was difficult)
  • Game! Yay! (Microtransactions galore!)
  • Get EVERYTHING in your car fixed (by a stock photo mechanic!)
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