Why is she asking me if im ok? She should stop asking
Friends 1 and 2 are usually kind of quiet. People spend time with Friend 1 because she’s a gamer who just emulates my behavior and “worships” me. Friend 2 is quiet and doesn’t seem to have many friends besides us. She seems usually sweet, though.
I think being depressed makes me anti social.
I do like women. Women are beautiful.
I, in fact, tried dating one at 16, but I was also dating this dude and trying to break up. She didn’t know I was dating him, though (she never even asked) and caught me with him. She was very upset, so I told my homophobic asshole friend to go F herself for telling her I have a boyfriend :(
So yeah, my big-mouthed friend ruined that for me, sadly. I told her to never speak to me again and she couldn’t sit with me for the rest of sophomore year, but since I’m quite sweet, I forgave her. i know she was devoted to me.
But I find women pretty…? Sure, I can’t name any female crushes, but that doesn’t make me less bi/pan. Sexuality is a spectrum.
Yes, I LOVE men, and women don’t give me the spark, but I love the idea of finally being able to say “I love my girlfriend!”. Plus, a lot of women are very soft and playful, and as a woman, I think I could date and understand most women.
I just haven’t found the right woman because my type is athletic and extroverted. Shy people are annoying, TBH. And they HAVE to like men. Part of dating women means I have to relate to them, and I can’t relate to a lesbian woman.
I don’t know if I’m any of these, to be honest. I just have low empathy and high standards.
As a sports fan, I hate when people are bad at things. Why even try if you suck, honestly?
No, I’m being serious. I don’t get why because I have these two friends who are willing to talk about how much they hate hanging out with people and how useless other people are. Besides, as much as I’ve tried to work on it, I’m still angry, so my friends should love me for that like I love them. I also don’t have much empathy and don’t really understand nuances/what affects people.
Thank you. I’ll try to get a therapist and work on it.
Sadly, only two people want to still hang out with me and the rest are A holes. They and I like to talk about how much we hate being around people (it’s EXHAUSTINGGG) and frankly, how useless everyone is. They can lend an ear and agree with me on how it’s basically us against the world, so why can’t my other friends be as decent? It’s what I don’t get :(
Why do people assume I’m narcissistic? I’m just autistic/ADHD and depressed :(
No it’s real. Sadly I’ve had drama with this person for a while now