
joined 1 year ago
[–] 50 points 13 hours ago (6 children)

Lies have a well known conservative bias.

[–] 15 points 3 days ago

I was 31 when the attacks happened.

While I do think that there was an awareness that an attack was possible, or even in the works. I sincerely doubt that anyone truly thought that 3 airplanes were going to be flown into buildings on that day and one crash in a PA field. The US had the attitude that we were isolated and well defended enough that such attacks were unthinkable. The complete one sidedness of Gulf War 1 really gave the US an out of proportion notion of being invulnerable. Even though the WTC was bombed 9 years prior, two years after the end of GW1.

Conspiracy denotes malicious intelligent intent. The reality is closer to stupidly complacent. Sometimes the two are hardly indistinguishable.

[–] 20 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Weird deplorable ghouls.

[–] 22 points 5 days ago

Ooof... That looks EXpensive and not just for the CRJ. The larger plane (it looks like an A350, but not sure) is going to need its wing structure and wing box all thoroughly inspected. Outside of the engines, those are the two most expensive structures on an airplane. Not saying that it is going to be a write off for either plane, but it is a possibility. I'm curious if the bending moment of that impact was outside what the larger plane's wing box was designed for. That force had to be huge, given the length of the wings on the large plane.

I look forward to seeing the analysis from some of the better aviation Youtubers on this one.

[–] 37 points 5 days ago (2 children)

That's not typical. I'd just like to point that out.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

I've not had any side effects from gaba, so haven't explored alternatives.

I did have the steroid shot procedure, but it had zero effect. Day to day my condition is manageable, I just won't be skydiving any longer. One hard opening and it could make my situation a lot worse and yes I am a former skydiver. So that's not really a joke.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago

Never do anything permanent to my body, unless it is medically necessary.

People come in and out of life... Let them.

Do not date at work.

Under absolutely no circumstance do I mess with people in relationships.

Friends that are dating:
If they break up and I'm interested in her... I give one month per year of time, one month minimum, before I approach her. That helps prevent hurt feelings, it also prevents being the "rebound". Although, one time it cost me a possible relationship as she broke up with her fiancee' and immediately approached me. Unfortunately, she never came out an positively stated they were broken up and it caused quite a bit of awkwardness on my part. She ended up hating my guts, but honestly I probably just dodged a bullet.

Give yourself the respect you deserve. Corollary: Behave in a manner that you can respect.

There are more, but this is what I have time to type out right now.

[–] 7 points 1 week ago (3 children)

54M with a L4/L5 bulge here. Happened 4 years ago.

Been on 900mg Gabapentin ever since. The bulge is non-operable as it is not large enough. I know what you're thinking, if it's so small, what's my problem? The bulge is sitting perfectly on the nerve (sciatic?) going down my right leg. Ever since, my right leg has felt partially asleep and with out the gabapentin I get a lot of lower back pain.

I have a few other issues due to it as well. Using the full strength in my right leg results in painful cramps throughout the entire leg. I don't have the full control over the leg. Walking over rough ground can be interesting, because the leg isn't doing exactly what I tell it to do. It's not enough to stop me from doing things, but it can make hiking interesting at times.

Yes, I did physical therapy. Even to this day, I still do the exercises the therapist had me doing.

I'm about 15 pounds overweight, but I am active.

This is the way I'm going to be for the rest of my life, barring some procedure being developed that makes correcting a bulge like mine safe to correct.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago

Oh lord, don't go and listen to AC/DC then.

Art is subjective, so there really are no wrong opinions, just disagreements. I strongly disagree with you, but that's OK. Fist bump bro, because it's different strokes that makes the world go round.

Now, if you say such things about RUSH.... cracks knuckles. ;-)

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago


I have ~4500 jumps and jump planes are very loud. Even with a full face helmet, jump planes are very loud and I didn't use ear plugs until my last 1000 jumps or so.

I do have a fair amount of time shooting, but always used ear protection.

[–] 17 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Protect your hearing.

I did not and today, at the age of 54, I cannot hear above 13khz when I used to be able to hear above 20khz. Part of that is age, but most of it is from not using hearing protection at concerts and other activities where I should have been using it.

Any constant noise above 80db will damage your hearing. 80db is a LOT quieter than you think it is.

[–] 23 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Reddit who?

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