Reddit also thinks appealing a ridiculous van is harassment, so not exactly the brightest bulbs over there.
Russians looked at the black sea and thought it wasn't black enough
My toddler had a respiratory issue several days before Christmas. Hospitalized for a few days. Released a few days before Christmas. We got home. Pipes froze that very day, for several days. So no water in the house. We were supposed to travel, but due to the hospital and weather were stuck home, so we had to scramble to get a few Xmas things together for the kids. Luckily midway through Xmas, the pipes finally thawed - Christmas miracle, we could shower.
The point is, there's a lot of movies worth watching once, and never again...which is where streaming comes in.
That doesn't fix it. No.
Disconnecting the country from it doesn't mean their government won't have access...
He's aware, that's why he's suddenly around his kid all the time he's in public.
It's so creepy that we still do this
Sites like these are why amazon has been using more coupons at check out instead of straight discounts. Messes with the price tracking
Sure, but it's mostly been the rich who was at a detriment, not the entire working class...right after suffering another financial hardship. You keep ignoring my entire point, because you think people can eat their principles.
You're looking at it all wrong.
You're letting yourself get pushed around. The parents have their priorities figured out. They know work isn't their life. You should stop trying to narc on other people and stand up for your own self.
Having kids you have absolutely unbreakable obligations. Work shit can wait. You'll learn that eventually.