
joined 7 months ago
[–] 3 points 1 day ago

NES for how many consoles made it into homes. Genesis for helping push the console wars. PS5 because it’s the easiest gaming experience I’ve had.

[–] 5 points 2 days ago

Cost. Weight. Serial connection for use as a modem.

[–] 8 points 3 days ago

Simple. Lists 14 ingredients.

[–] 4 points 5 days ago

If you live in a dry climate you can create a makeshift evaporation cooler with a fan, tub, water pump, and evap material.

Set it up in front of an opened window, blow it into the house, and open a window at the other side of the house. You can easily get 20 degree F drop in temp.

[–] 5 points 6 days ago

Contacting me after I browse their website.

[–] 45 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Not perfect. I hate searching for a thing and someone has pasted a huge keyword dictionary into their post for SEO. It’s like when I was shopping specifically for a new Chevy spark r/t and the sales rep tried to steer me into a used Malibu.

[–] 25 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Leslie knope

[–] 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I’m on a drug that’s $3k per month and my insurance only pays a few hundred of that, even though my benefits claims it covers 100%. I then applied for a coupon card which when used covers the remaining amount.

It doesn’t make sense because it’s all made up fairytale pricing.

The few hundred my insurance is paying is probably closer to the real cost but even that isn’t trustworthy.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Foot long chili dogs.

[–] 15 points 2 weeks ago

That guy sucks.

[–] 56 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

What I really hate is when I search for a problem I’ve seen off and on for a few years and the search results is exactly the issue im experiencing.


Only to find out after chasing that link that it was me who posted that question, 4 years ago, and it’s still unanswered.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

DNS doesn’t propagate fast enough.


Reddit was one of the reasons Y Combinator was started. This post tells the story of how the site came to be. Despite being rejected in the first round for their food delivery app idea, Reddit's founders were offered funding after agreeing to work on a project that would eventually become Reddit. The project was launched on a quick schedule. It had a core set of real users after just a few weeks. Reddit is now a fundamentally useful tool that seems almost unkillable.

Discovered through, a daily technology briefing newsletter.


I received the below message. It states Skyline Advisor Pro can't be activated after 4/1. This doesn't look good for the Skyline program. I've been using it for a long time and between log assist and the recommendations, i've found it very helpful. I have the Dell integration in place but I haven't really used it much. It's unfortunate that this appears to be getting set out to pasture.

We would like to inform you of some upcoming changes to VMware Skyline's functionality and features, scheduled to take effect on or before April 1, 2024.

These changes are necessary as part of our VMware by Broadcom vision for the future of self-help issue avoidance and diagnostics for VMware Cloud Foundation and VMware vSphere Foundation.

Feature Changes 1 VMware Select Support Effective immediately, Skyline now supports VMware Select Support. This replaces VMware Success 360 (S360) Support, which reached End of Sale (EOS) in May 2023. As with S360 Support, Select Support provides access to Insights Reports, providing insights into the health and performance of your VMware infrastructure.

We highly recommend linking your Select Support Entitlement Account to your CSP Org as soon as possible to ensure seamless access to Skyline's proactive support and Insights Reports.

2 Availability After April 1, 2024

• Skyline Advisor Pro will remain available and fully functional for existing customers.

• Activation of new Skyline Advisor Pro services in new or existing CSP organizations will be discontinued and no longer available.

3 Active Skyline Organizations

Active Skyline Advisor Pro organizations will automatically be upgraded to Select Support level experience in Skyline and have access to Insights Reports. No action is required.

4 Inactive Skyline Organizations Skyline Advisor Pro organizations in an inactive state will be removed from the service.

Customers that have allowed their Skyline service to expire beyond the 60-day grace period must renew their access before April 1, 2024, to continue using Skyline.

5 Organizations in Limited Mode

Skyline Advisor Pro organizations in Limited Mode will be automatically renewed to Skyline at Select Support level experience to ensure full access. No action is required.

6 Technical Adoption Manager (TAM) Engagement

The process for TAM activation will be streamlined. Customers will now have full control over enabling TAM Reports. Once you opt in, no further action is required. The assigned TAM will have access to perform required duties as needed.

7 Integration with Dell's Secure Connect Gateway 5.0

Skyline Advisor Pro's integration with Secure Connect Gateway 5.0 will be discontinued due to the strategic direction of VMware Skyline.

VMware Skyline continues to provide proactive self-service support for your VMware environment. These changes will help deliver on the roadmap for self-help issue avoidance and diagnostics for VMware Cloud Foundation and VMware vSphere Foundation. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our Skyline Community for assistance. We are committed to minimizing any disruptions to your operations.

Thank you for your continued trust in VMware Skyline.

Best Regards, VMware Skyline Team

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