
joined 1 year ago
[–] 22 points 3 days ago

Well, if the government heavily taxed everything above like 100 million $$$, then the money would flow back into the economy, which it obviously doesn't while being sat on by pathologic hoarders.

[–] 17 points 1 month ago

It's probably also an attempt to dominate a woman by trying to force her into doing what he wants.

[–] 9 points 3 months ago

Grüne sind die "sichere" Wahl, aber gerade weil sie relativ populär sind traue ich denen auch (von diesen dreien) am wenigsten zu, besonders dann, wenn keine Parteien im Parlament sind, die für extremere Klimaschutzmaßnahmen sind.

Letzte Generation ist die Backpfeife für die Weichspülpolitik der letzten Jahrzehnte, was die tatsächlich erreichen werden / können falls sie Sitze bekommen ist die andere Frage.

Klimaliste wäre der konstruktive Mittelweg, aber auch hier die Frage ob sie genug Stimmen bekommen werden.

Die fehlende Prozent-Hürde bei dieser Wahl halte ich für einen Grund, eher für eine dieser beiden zu stimmen, weil es die letzte Chance ist sie auch mit weniger Stimmen ins Parlament zu bekommen.

[–] 12 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Es ist noch eine ganze Weile nicht zu spät weitere Folgeschäden zu vermindern. Dazu muß man aber halt die Maßnahmen ergreifen für die man die letzten Jahrzehnte zu bequem war anstatt komplett aufzugeben und zu hoffen daß die kommende Katastrophe einen möglichst wenig betrifft und das Problem auf den Rest der Welt abzuwälzen der sich nicht in seiner Wohlstandsblase verstecken kann.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago

There are so many things to be concerned about in the world

That's exactly it. Present day conservatives don't have any solutions to current problems, so they have to make up a boogieman that has to take the blame for all that is wrong in the world (instead of the actual causes) and that only they can save their followers from (because everyone else is already "indoctrinated".) Anything that's against "traditions" is a good target (often a minority that's starting to get treated in a more equal way.)

[–] 3 points 9 months ago

"we specialize in acquiring under-optimized apps in an industry that is highly fragmented. We use our optimizing operations, deploy its technology, and generate cash flow from the apps. "

"we developed an AI technology that knows how" "to monetize the right user at the right stage of their app experience"


Sounds like they just keep the apps around and try to squeeze as much money out of the users they have bought.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago (2 children)

The only restriction is that they have to keep their modifications open source

And since it's GPL that any additions are compatible with the GPL, which the ad / tracking stuff they're likely to add likely isn't.

And if all development effort moves to the fork, Zipo can still take that fork and redistribute it under the “Simple Mobile Tools” name.

Only if they don't add their own proprietary shit, and if they don't, how would their "bully users to pay for features" business model work?

According to "like 99% of the current code has been written by me and other paid devs, so no need to overreact the licensing thing" it seems like the remaining 1% is going to be ignored or possibly even removed if they think that leaving that in might open them up to DMCA claims by disgruntled contributors - which taking code from an open source fork would definitely do.

[–] 4 points 10 months ago

The reddit exodus has almost equalized things I think, there's still more stuff posted on reddit but it's low quality garbage (noticeably more than before), most interesting news etc. are here as well.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I don't see any option in 1.2.13, and suggests it isn't implemented yet.

[–] 6 points 10 months ago (3 children)

Can it show each core's frequency? Or is there anything other than htop that can do that?

[–] 1 points 11 months ago (1 children)

IIRC the proposal includes some crypto-handshake verification to make sure the attestor is who it claims to be, so no, apps can't just fake it. Or, if some of those secret keys leak and apps use it, sites won't accept it anymore.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago (3 children)

It still doesn't matter. A website can choose which attestors to trust (if they had to trust all of them the whole thing would be useless), so Youtube can just deny access to the video streams to anything that isn't a trusted browser environment, and anything third party like Invidious, Piped, Newpipe, Freetube... won't be able to work anymore.

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