
joined 1 year ago
[–] 9 points 22 hours ago (1 children)

Looks like the story of the night is going to be not that Labour gained lots of votes but that Reform has split the Conservative vote and collapsed their vote as a result and its gifted Labour a lot of wins. Lots of tactical voting has led to the Lib Dems gaining a lot of seats too.

Reform has gained enormously, the Greens and Lib Dems less so.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

This is having big real world consequences. In Long Covid research there has been a tonne of near duplication of work and its apparent none of the work is really building on prior work as the sheer volume of papers is impossible to keep up with. Most of its unremarkable in the sense it hasn't moved further than findings on ME/CFS from decades prior, so much of the work is too shallow to be of use.

Then the other side of this is the psychology side of things which has been publishing some grade A nonsense and none of the findings hold up to any scrutiny once a replication is attempted.

There there is all the widespread fraud where medical images have been fabricated in various ways, the data often shows clear signs of fabrication as well.

Its a real mess and its harming real people who need this research to inform proper treatments.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

There is nothing seasonal about Covid, we get a wave every time it mutates sufficiently. Initially that was about five waves a year in 2022 but the past year it's been two to three. The lulls however still have substantial constant infection usually in the region of 1 in 50 to 1 in 100 while the peaks of waves can be 1 in 10. Now the gaps between waves have more people infected than the peaks of infections in 2020 and 2021.

The risk of Long Covid hasn't changed much, there are still substantial deaths every year. It's all bad news really, no treatments on the horizon to solve it just declining life expectancy and health the more we catch and spread it.

[–] 4 points 2 days ago

Linux was in use on some university machines although I lot of them were still running Sun hardware OS. The main distribution I used at the time was Slackware.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

It really is quite impressive this issue has been going on all year and Intel isn't divulging anything of note yet. If they know they sure aren't telling anyone.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Over the years I have used OSMC for my TV. I have never used it for streaming however always internal across the network streaming of my own content. It worked reasonably well for the most part although I have had issues with Samba in recent versions and have stopped using it. I can't say much about its streaming, mostly for that you need a supported android or similar device rather than an open source one.

[–] 11 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

The main issue is with longevity, once they solve that, I am hopeful they will then this will dominate the Solar market completely and replace all the Silicon based single band gap panels. Even someone with relatively recent panels of 20-22% would benefit a lot from 35% panels, that is a lot of extra power in the same space.

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago

I have done this a few times, so long as the drive isn't mounted it works fine.

One advantage of this approach compared to clonezilla is you can pipe it through netcat or similar and move it to another machine. You can also first pipe it through gzip as well to save on the transfer bytes a bit as well and then on the other end just store the compressed image or unzip it. Combine a few tools together and you have quite a lot of capability for complete image backups but its usually best done for the boot drives from a live USB.


This is a great look at a number of games over time from launch to months after launch benchmarking the patch releases as well as drivers. The end conclusion is the day 1 drivers that Nvidia/AMD/Intel produce are worth having and they improve performance and fix bugs but later drivers don't show as helping and the performance changes after that point are attributable to the game updates.

What is wild is Baldur's Gate loosing a tonne of performance in a patch and has never recover its prior performance and it can't utilise the GPU at all well now but there are other games showing not just increases but degradation of performance as well.

[–] 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

These early days of processors I was constantly upgrading between the companies. A Pentium to K6 to a PIII celeron to a Duron and then an Athlon XP and then a Pentium HT before finally the stable era arrived with the Core 2 duo and all the subsequent CPUs largely being small incremental upgrades at more or less the same clockspeed peak and lots of the performance coming from more cores. There was a lot of back and forth in price/performance and absolute performance as various innovations and pipline length increases and clockspeed were release. Things changed drastically in the 8 years we went from 100Mhz Pentiums through to the Core 2 Duos where both companies lead and trailed and you needed to upgrade your machine most years to keep up with modern games.

[–] 5 points 3 months ago (3 children)

When they are reading out the results they do say how many spoiled ballots there were, the problem is the BBC et el usually cut off just as that is being read and they don't count it across the country or keep the results and as the results start coming in faster you don't hear it. The spoiled ballots doesn't seem to make it into any of the official stats for an election that I can see. So unfortunately its one of those acts that ought to be better than not voting but in practice turns out to be basically the same.

I certainly wont be voting for the Conservatives or Labour but as far as protests go I am better off voting for another party that wont win as a protest than spoiling the ballot as it will be more visible and included in all the stats.

[–] 30 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

People don't realise how common this is in our society unless you are a minority. Its everywhere. The state abuses disabled people via the DWP, the doctors do the same to disabled people by refusing to treat or put secretly DNRs on their records. Access is awful everywhere and people with wheelchairs fail to get on buses because the spot is taken by a pram which its not allowed to be used for, then there is the removal of accessible bridges for the train network replaced with ones that aren't accessible, the lifts barely work when they are installed. Then there is all the attacks and verbal abuse on the streets from random people and so much more besides. Its everywhere in every place a minority would go.

Despite whatever self reported level of discrimination the UK gets as one of the best in the world any minority in this country can tell you how many times a day they are abused by someone else. Its every single day. The Police, NHS and other state functions all do it and there are no consequences for any of it. It is so common infact its not news and rarely makes the news, this one is odd for making it into the press because this happens in schools across the country every year and it certainly happened at my school photos.

It is hard to accept this basic reality as someone who isn't a constant victim of our society but if you listen to the people who are the victims of this stuff its relentless.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

Its notable its not listing Long Covid at all. The 1.9 million long haulers in the UK have all been treated atrociously by the NHS so far, most have been misdiagnosed and gaslighted and the rest have been abused with graded exercise therapy that has worsened their disease. But then this was a poll by the NHS so it likely wasn't one of the answers available.


Task Manager of prototype Intel CPU shows Core and Logical processor count are the same at 8.

This is still a relatively low end chip if its just 8 cores and a 13500 has 6 + 8 = 14 total so this is maybe a laptop processor. Hyperthreading probably doesn't make sense anymore.


Florida’s Miami-Dade County hired a chief heat officer, Jane Gilbert—the first position of its kind in the world.


I don't know if people are aware of the fact that you can see the wholesale price of energy but there are is a website that tracks it.

This clearly shows that wholesale energy prices this year have been lower than they were in 2021. Yet the price of electricity charged to people is much higher now than it was then.


I came across today one of my own comments on Reddit with a search on duckduckgo. It was still intact. The problem is I used shreddit to randomise and delete the entire contents of my account. My account comments and posts all show empty on my account pages on reddit so there should be nothing.

I did a search using my username and found ~50 comments that Reddit has undeleted but also hide from my own account. I could still edit and delete them. Its curious that they don't appear on my accounts content on Reddit and yet a search engine can find them and they are still served by Reddit. Ex Reddit users who deleted their account contents should be aware this is happening and report it as a GDPR breach to their respective agencies if they are in the EU if they too find this has occurred.


Odds are many missed this one season show (a sort of mini series) looking at the progression of climate change and how it will impact peoples lives. Its a sci-fi show of sorts but also a science reality based on known consequences. It is not prematurely ended it is a coherent series telling a story which builds to a proper end with no intention to make it multiple seasons.

I thought it was well done and worth a watch, its on Apple TV+.

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