
joined 3 years ago
[–] 2 points 2 years ago

Wow, that is awful. Nothing else to say there. Thank you for your response!


Basically, what your boss does (current or former) that you would call coercion. Things like serving food that is prepared in an unsafe manner, making you break laws with regard to environmental protection. Basically making you do things not by the book. Any other interpretation of the question is also fine :) Also things tha wouldn't fly if the workers wore the pants also applies.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

FOSS is political tho. that was the original goal read

[–] 0 points 2 years ago

thank you for this comment.

[–] -1 points 2 years ago

No, because this is now the only reason.


The real reason is people don't wanna change, or hear it. They would rather plug their ears.

[–] -1 points 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 2 years ago

These are issues that need to be solved.


So yeah, I am going to start this off saying I use Linux. I love Linux, but the community and others will not let it improve. It's time to change.

Here's all the reasons I think Linux will never take off, don't forget that you can also add input and that I am a human being, so please don't be angry if you can help it. Just tell me your perspective. I know I will get lots of flack for this, but here we go:

  • Idealism, if Linux was going to take over innately it already would have

  • History (let's be honest it's like a discord server if it doesn't take off all at once it never will)

  • It's inaccessible (terminals cannot replace everything. I'm talking to you if you say "bloat")

  • There's only corporate funding, so they will appropriate it

  • We tolerate people who don't tolerate others (including the less tech-savvy)

  • Microsoft has way too much power (money)

  • Few people remember RMS started copyleft as a political goal (too many people are uncomfortable challenging their beliefs, so they want Linux to be "apolitical")

  • No one is doing the political organizing

  • Copyleft is flawed and needs to be improved (here's a template example [also mind you that there's a need to prevent corporate appropriation]

  • People worship RMS instead of realizing he alienates women, people with down syndrome, etc.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

😂 Fucking mega based

[–] 1 points 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 2 years ago (2 children)

is this trying to be racist?

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

Go to and type in pedophilia in the search bar

[–] 0 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I'm not talking about phishing in wallets. im talking about signing Content ID with NFT domains which means the content directed to when you go to website.eth is exactly what was published by the owner on IPFS a decentralized filesystem. meaning the web can be peer to peer with security and bandwidth optimization in mind while also being secure.

[–] 5 points 2 years ago (6 children)

Not convinced, lots of good points are made, but lots of misleading and biased statements as well. There are many solutions to these problems mentioned and the stuff about the ethereum hack is weird. Eth wasnt hacked, a smart contract was. 51% attacks are not common but there are ways to eliminate this, namely replacing A blockchain with a directed acyclic graph. Like this shit is so half baked that it loses all its weight. I with the author stuck to what they actuallly knew.

Like all the stuff about whales dictating voting out comes are facts. The reality of it all is that some things are true decentralization. Like the ENS and ONS being able to replace central domain autorities. Of course there is a need for governance and human oversight ( like having voting based on verified identities not $ to determine if someone is abusing the system ). It also makes phishing and MITM attacks impossible.

Can we admit where there are merits while still calling out garbage like voting with money, NFT art, blockchain games etc? Its really that simple critisize what needs the attention. I think what makes people really mad is that its capitalism. And I think people are right to be mad about it.


Hi I hate capitalism, also please gain a better understanding before criticizing blockchain and ledger technology. I know all the headlines are making many of you upset, but also they have lots of misinformation.

I would love to read good critiques of cryptocurrency but its always ignorant in the way the right wing is ignorant about things. Think about the last time you argued with an ignorant chud. That's a lot of these posts.

Rule of thumb if you don't understand what it is don't criticize it. Be angry all you want but when you do make criticisms it's important that they land. Because there is a lot of really bad garbage. There's also lots of good things like .

Anyway I don't mean to scold too hard here. So I'm gonna provide some information.

NFT: A unique indivisible asset. could be a blockchain domain like .eth .crypto etc. Could be used for ID. Could also be used for speculation.

Smart contract: Lines of code used to program money, this could be used with stable coins to offer interest and replace banks.

Remember there are parts of the world where banks only serve the rich. This could also be use for encrypted messaging and email. Imagine if a company had to pay transaction fees to spam you. It would stop happening.

Stable coins: you know that thing no one seems to mention when they say it's too volatile to use?

In general just stop grasping at straws because even the gravel institute gets it wrong here. . Imagine throwing away credibility out of hatred and ignorance. It's very disappointing.

Also mind you when payment processors shut down HRT for trans people often crypto gets used to bring life saving medicine to trans people.

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