Sounds like a great time to propose my system of temperature: Super Celsius. I'll connect it to the freezing and boiling points of water just like Celsius, but while freezing remains at 0, boiling is now 1000. Get ready for a nice mild day of 250.
No. Years.
The fact that Biden's brain was turning to jello before our eyes was only a big topic of conversation because delusional libs refused to acknowledge it for years. "Trump is incoherent" is not a big topic of conversation because no one who is human denies it, it's been obvious since before Biden was a serious candidate
You might be surprised. Some people get shot 20 times and walk away without any irreparable damage. It's all effectively random.
With average cop accuracy that'd probably exhaust their armory's ammo supply
Sounds like the free market has spoken. Please die quickly, ""AI"" industry
Best I can offer is $10 for one of ya finger bones. I'm a nice guy though so you can pick which one. Deal?
If the only animal corpses anyone ate was euthanized pet remains and the practice was somehow free of influencing the unnecessary euthanization of more pets, I can't say I care. Same way I don't really care if people eat roadkill or animal products from a dumpster. I'm not going to do it, I don't see these things as food. And I think there's a minuscule harm done in the proliferation of the perception of these things as food. But that harm is negligible in the face of animal agriculture which is my primary concern.
What part of my reference to it as animal abuse sounds like an endorsement of the practice? I'm not sure about you, but personally I consider animal abuse to be unacceptable.
But then you’re still causing plants pain by farming and eating them. Isn’t that argument no different than saying if you believe that harming animals causes them pain, you should be in favor of eating the ones that are hunted because farming them causes more pain?
If you insist on animal abuse then you should do it through hunting rather than factory farming precisely because of the diminished amount of suffering caused. But it's still more suffering than would be caused by just eating plants so I'm not sure I understand your point
Nah that doesn't really have anything to do with anything, when you water you just saturate all the soil at once anyway. Think about how plants get watered in nature: not that often but thoroughly
I gotta be honest, the sea lion is not the bad guy in this comic. Lady randomly says some racist shit, and a member of the group she's being racist against calls her out for being racist. And then the fact that the sea lion called the racist out is apparently justification for the initial racist statement.