
joined 10 months ago
[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

i just can’t wait for all of irans proxies to start investing resources into replicating such a successful strategy. i have the utmost respect for judaism but israel is a serious problem and they are no where near ready to stop swinging their dicks around.

[–] 0 points 2 weeks ago

with all respect, i think if you reread the original comment you might find it reads in a less vindictive tone than you originally read it in. text can be notoriously bad at conveying the difference between a generalized chuckle and a targeted insult, especially when the reader has experience or passion in the topic.

[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago
[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)

I , | l

I I , | _

[–] 3 points 4 weeks ago

100%. i’m rocking AuDHD, that perpetual struggle between need routine and must have novelty lol. interesting to hear that the ‘mid-show venue switch’ is helpful for someone else. feels like a hack somehow.

[–] 6 points 4 weeks ago (3 children)

my sleep routine has become one of if not the most important routine. i dealt with insomnia for years, which always spirals into poor appetite, ever-decreasing functioning and bad decisions. i understand now that maintaining a routine is critical for me, and i have added tools for falling asleep, staying asleep, and waking well-rested.

  • i picked up a good sleep mask, one that blocks absolutely all light and allows unobstructed blinking. even more so than the functional aspect of blocking light, the sensation of wearing the sleep mask has helped program my brain into quickly recognizing sleeptime on-demand.

  • a minimally-intrusive sleep aid. i started with melatonin but eventually switched to D8/D9 gummies and never looked back. within 45m of taking a gummy i feel the heaviness in my limbs and easily succumb to sleep. this is likely not necessary for everyone but i consider the reliable effectiveness to be an effective insurance.

  • ensuring proper sleep posture. i overlooked this one for a long time, thinking that stacking pillows under my head and around my body was as good as it could get. but i would wake up every morning with neck and back pain, grumpy and frustrated. after learning about traditional asian pillows it clicked together that the intent of a head rest is neck support. on a whim i picked up a buckwheat hull neck roll and it has absolutely changed my life. first time i used it, flat on my back with it under my neck, my legs tingled from the relief of tension in my body. the moral here is to assess for sources of discomfort in your sleeping posture and find ways to improve it so you are not wasting time and effort trying to get comfortable.

  • consider breaking up your sleep hours. I started an unconventional routine last year and it has been very helpful for me in waking refreshed. i set my first alarm for 2.5-3 hours before i want to be fully awake. when that goes off i manage to drag myself out of bed, have a light breakfast and move myself to a recliner in the living room where i gently doze off for another hour/hour and a half, with a few extra minutes on both sides. initially it was not super easy to fall back asleep quickly, but now that it’s routine and with the help of the weighted sleep mask, it happens in minutes. by the time my second alarm goes off, if i’m not already beginning to stir, i open my eyes and am absolutely ready to go. knowing that i can doze off again makes getting up and relocating on that first alarm much much easier, and i have come to deeply enjoy the dedicated peace and quiet of that early morning nap; no expectations weighing on me first thing, just focusing on my breathing and relaxing my body. the downside is now that i’m used to this pattern, my body expects that morning nap and i absolutely have to be up early enough to allow time for it.

i’m certain that a persons ideal sleep routine is extremely subjective and unique to that individual, so these tips may not all be helpful for you, but hopefully they give you some ideas of new strategies to try.

[–] 16 points 1 month ago

yeah, single women with no kids are childless cat ladies, but single men with no kids are just victims of the uncompromising selfishness of childless cat ladies. sounds about right.

[–] 35 points 6 months ago (1 children)

in addition to a play on selective/strategic nudity, i find flipping the script/fucking the patriarchic hierarchy to be both arousing and fulfilling as well.

[–] 2 points 6 months ago

well, according to legend Siddhartha Gautama was raised as a prince and he still figured out that privilege and wealth causes suffering. alas.

[–] 4 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

spot on. doesn’t help that he’s a household name with lots of fanboys. actual notoriety of a malignant narcissist partner can easily amplify the self doubt that gets spurred on by gaslighting and other manipulative methods. not to mention she has children with him so she can’t just cut him off completely. can’t say i feel for her, but i sure would want to be in her place.

[–] 3 points 6 months ago (1 children)

i know the enchilada sauce is one of the cheapest items in this picture but i recently made some from scratch and can confirm that canned enchilada sauce is absolutely flavorless. alternatively, it is super simple, quick and inexpensive to make from scratch. broth, tomato paste and toasted spices (chili p., ground cumin, garlic p., onion p., pinch of oregano/cayanne/salt/pepper and optional dash of apple cider vinegar) made in a roux and simmered for 10m. that’s it! the difference is night and day. go forth in flavor.

[–] 5 points 7 months ago

it’s so… glossy. genuinely beautiful shading and highlights. but can you imagine spending time zoomed in on that crotch to get the knuckle sheen just right?

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