
joined 1 year ago
[–] 6 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Dont forget republicans whine about rent freezes too -_- its so annoying listening to them

[–] 4 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Anything to cut taxes for the rich -_- seriously a decreased or eliminated income tax wont fucking help anyone else and will only make it so we cant pave our fucking roads....


Litterally just posted about how Arizona is suffering from exactly this decision...

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

Yes there are billions of cows. No i dont think focusing on the cows will get us anywhere and infact i think itll make more people into climate change deniers.

You only agreed with me on billionaires being abolished once not "keep agreeing with me" (in previous posts) infact you keep ridiculing me more " keep doing nothing so they can feel good about themselves" and your entire first comment is just you ridiculing me. Even the comment about "idealic socialist society" is ridicule as im not asking for perfect im asking for us to focus our efforts on billionaires as i see the usa doing something about billionaires as more realistic then dealing with the international mess that it would be to stop ranching at all.

Why dont we take a step back and discuss our thoughts without insulting the other.

I'll start and none of this is meant to insult you.

Its been a political nightmare to stop people injecting bleach in the usa or drinking raw milk and getting sick (due to our gut biomes not being adapted to raw milk) every time in the past we've told them no please stop that they just do it more. No matter what we do the 360 million that we have wont listen to anyone that trys to take away a single comfort including food, beef is a heavy comfort food for a lot of americans. The thing that im trusting will solve the emission output of farm animals is the cloning food tech that we are barely getting out and i dont want to scare the 360 million by talking about it as some of them are already afraid of the word clone. I cannot imagine the nightmare of trying to convince any country that isnt hindi (iirc hindi is the correct way to say hindu in this context but brahmin are sacred in their culture and religion so thats why i brought it up) to not ranch cattle. Now recently ive come to the conclusion that the whole "reduce your carbon footprint" campaign has been an effort to try to shift the blame of climate change from the corporations onto the consumer which causes the consumers to fight eachother instead of rallying against corporations. But ive also noticed that alot of climate change deniers will start being climate change deniers when they are made to feel like everything is their fault for buying comfort food.

TLDR: Let scientists take care of the beef emmissions, everyone else fight the selfish billionaires that are the cause of all the unnecessary emmissions and halt of progress everywhere else.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Yeah beef being a magnitude order bigger issue is just wrong

The highest thing on the chart is beef which is 99kg of emmissions per kilogram of beef, to make up for 1 hour of a single private flight it would require about 20 kilograms (44lbs) of beef. Now throw in the fact that there are thousands of these flights going through multiple hours of the day and hey you can see what is the way larger problem paticularly due to the fact that these flights aren't benefitting anyone where as the beef actually feeds people.

But im curious why is it more important for you that billions of people immediately change in the way you view as better (so many peoples entire livelyhood is invested in the beef industry paticularly because there are so many byproducts that are also useful, leather, bonemarrow, glue ect.) rather then the few hundred thousand making a small change that barely effects them at all (this change is only billonaires learning to take public planes like the rest of us)?

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

Mainy due to the fact that when trying to stop agriculture or food production it puts the blame on indivisuals who can't afford to change their habits or lifestyles i do know that some are able to change and live differently however those changes for others can lead to large amounts of stress, normally people will correlate the stress of this change to the idea of climate change which causes them to reject the idea of it completely (think of the most stubborn person you know and what they would do if you told them to not do something because of a thing they can't immediately see)

The reason i say that going after billionaires and their jets is more important is because its something that a large amount of people can agree with which means that we can get momentum on that movement better, itll cause stress to less people which means less pushback and the amount of pollution that comes from their jets is absolutely massive like its insane how bad iirc

This isn't saying that we shouldn't work on ways to make farming more ecofriendly (because more ecofriendly actually benefits everyone in the long run not just due to the effects on the environment but it also helps the food taste better and grow more) although it is saying that if we keep blaming individuals and their miniture actions itll just turn more people over to climate denialism

[–] 1 points 11 months ago (4 children)

Nah lets focus on the thing so tiny that it wont do jack and let billonaires continue ruining the planet with their greed, that'll sure help.

[–] 6 points 11 months ago (11 children)

Lets focus on billonaires using their luxury private jets first then we can worry about going after things that feed people

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

So this is how it feels

Lydia i am so sorry

[–] 5 points 1 year ago

Wait until next year when it becomes even hotter because republicans refuse to admit man made climate change exists and therefore wont allow anything to be done about it.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

So when looking at the charges the claim is that the individuals have been part of a criminal organization since George floyd was killed by the police.

In order for this to be the case all individuals would need to of had a meeting before george floyd was killed where they planned out the crime, then afterwards one member would need to take an action to commit the crime. A good way ive seen it explained is : I and two others plan to rob a bank, we can talk about how its done, the materials we need, and what everyone will be doing now this is all legal and nothing can be done until someone purchases the materials or enacts on a part of the plan as when that happens it becomes a criminal conspiracy.

Big issue. These people don't know eachother. Now this could mean that someone brought them into a conspiracy unknowingly but that would require knowing atleast one member of the original conspiracy or there would be links between people who were brought in to those who started the conspiracy that however from my knowledge the people being charged here are simply everyone arrested for peacefully protesting Cop City (trespassing, and property damage are commonly used to unlawfully arrest those who peacefully protest as its easy to claim that it happened and hard to prove that it didn't)

Reason that it could be politically motivated. Building Cop city is an extremely unpopular decision that fully ignores the promise made to the community its in which was to make the area a park. The governor has made it a terroristic action to question or protest the park in any way which has led to the arrests made for domestic terrorism (it essentially boils down to kemp declared "stop cop city" a terrorist organization, anyone who protests cop city is then labeled as part of that group as the only defining characteristic of the group is protesting cop city.)

This is what i know from the top of my head so apologies if there is anything incorrect.

[–] 32 points 1 year ago

Heck yeah! Fuck Transphobia!


Curious what yall are playing and if im the only one who can't complete games :p


something ive been enjoying recently Is asking art generators to make memes cause the know what a meme looks like but dont understand what a meme is so you get the most insane images ever from them


Sadly I dont think i could make one but ive seen peertube and its a bit off feeling( i cant place why) but thought hey maybe those who can make something like that will see the post. (Also I would love to scare youtube with competition cause they freaking need it)

Ill start I NEED to be able to play audio on a Mobile device when the screen is turned off youtube makes you pay for that 1 line of freaking code! Heckin BS


I'm not trying to convince anyone to go back i promise, quite the contrary actually cause I think spez plans to just decrease the cost of the API and act like it was a bargain deal sacrifice while not solving any of the issues at all

But, when I think about it even if spez did actually listen and reverse all changes I don't think i want to go back to Reddit cause from what Ive seen Lemmy is just friendlier and less :Be Corporate Friendly: I would honestly love it if Lemmy did a project like r/place one of these days so we could see what the internet is actually like instead of what happened in 2022 (I really did enjoy what a bunch of communities did but when the mods started abusing their powers to make it corporate r/place lost so much meaning) but i am curious since i'm not going back is there anything Reddit can do to make you go back to Reddit?


I was just curious as its easier to access a mobile app then opening a browser and going to beehaw

(I know it sounds like I'm being lazy as I could make a shortcut however, the more lazy you can be to access the site the more people will be willing to be active as each step that has to be taken to access something a percantage of people will not do that step (I wish I knew what effect/ rule this was i can't seem to find it))

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