Well, a network of likeminded people won’t just find you. It’s something you’ve gotta seek out.
Look for local non-profits and political groups that advocate for the positions you care about and get involved.
Well, a network of likeminded people won’t just find you. It’s something you’ve gotta seek out.
Look for local non-profits and political groups that advocate for the positions you care about and get involved.
As long as we draw breath it ain’t over.
Get out there and organize.
Yeah, but now is better than never.
God knows Trump wouldn’t authorize it.
Long range missiles can have a lot of impact in a short time.
Bugs are big fans of other bugs.
Even physical these days means nothing, just look at The Crew.
You’re laughing. Lobstermen are terrorizing a cruise ship and you’re laughing!
probably because smart rings are stupid
The securities fraud is blatant.
I mostly mean having data stored in a centralized database owned by a corporation. Since even if it’s encrypted you’re just one warrant away from the data being handed over.
Man, gaming communities are so fucking toxic.