
joined 1 year ago

Pretty sure Gen Z

I'm on the cusp of genZ and Millennial, but I feel much more Millennial. I speculate that this is because of how I related to technology growing up.

I'd be interested to hear from anyone who is like me, on the cusp, but feels gen Z rather than Millennial, and why

[–] 24 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

Regex feels distinctly eldritch to me. Like, a lot of computing knowledge feels like magic, but regex feels like the kind of magic you get by consorting with dark forces

[–] 10 points 16 hours ago (2 children)

There are 650 seats in total. 326 seats are therefore needed for a parliamentary majority. Labour are predicted to get around 410 seats, which would give them a majority of 84 seats (a huge majority). The 170 figure is how many seats they have gained this election. i.e. in 2019, they got 240, I think (410 - 170)

The opposition (Labour) isn't much better, especially when it comes to equalities. I am not looking forward to this Thursday, and having to think a lot about how grim it all is.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Gin, I think.

It's debatable about whether this counts for the question, but I'm commenting because this wasn't a case of "drank too much, was very sick" kind of story, which many people have about alcohol. Basically I was at a small party and I downed a shot of clear liquid that I believed to be vodka. It was not.

I didn't even know there was any gin in the house, I hadn't seen anyone drinking it. I wasn't keen on the taste of gin before, but the unexpectedness of the taste was so bad I was sick. People were concerned because they worried I was overly-drunk, but it was entirely the flavour that did it. Now, anything that tastes or smells remotely similar to gin makes me feel sick.

Though even if we are counting gin as a food here, this is very much gin not being consumed in its normal way - I have never met anyone who would choose to do a shot of neat gin.

Yeah, stuff like this is messy. I like that we're all muddling along and figuring things out as they go. Much of this is a problem with distributed social media — but not "problem" in a bad way, but something to overcome.

Practically, I don't know if there's a better way to do it, because as you say, there's not a one size fits all solution. I just wanted to say thanks because I probably wouldn't have read the article myself if I had to get a no-paywall link myself, so the little conveniences help.

[–] 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (2 children)

Which they would know, if they had read the article, right?

Edit: I shouldn't comment just to express salt at someone, so actually also, thanks OP for the no-paywall link.

Fracking already is unprofitable now, if we account for the slimy corporate practices used to avoid paying for spent wells to be properly plugged.

Propublica has done a lot of good reporting on this topic, this is just one article of many, but this one explains aforementioned corporate slime quite well

[–] 15 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (2 children)

Some android phones have the ability to long press on a notification, click on settings, and alter what kinds of notifications you receive. I've had a few instances like you describe, but where I've been able to turn off "special deals" or whatever. I think implementation of this is done by the app developer though, because I'm sure I've had some apps that had no useful settings. Example screenshot of Gmail settings:

Now I'm thinking about an ex-programmer supervillain who does this as her big foray into supervillainy

Theme Hospital is one of the greats of an era. (N.b. there's a mod called CorsixTH which fixes a lot of issues with the original game (mostly age related clunkiness)


Unpaywalled archive link: Open Access link to the study mentioned:

Posting because I saw another post on this community about Extinction Rebellion UK blocking a private jet airport today (June 2024) ( and wondered how many people know that leaded fuel is still pretty common in planes, both in the UK and elsewhere; I was pretty shocked when I first learned this


This was a switch that got its wires pulled out. I learned how to desolder today in order to remove it from the little switch board and now there's three holes where this used to be. Does this component have a name, because I'm wondering whether I can just get a replacement one like this. There are lots of tools and supplies at the makerspace I used, but I need to know what I'd be looking for.

Alternatively, what else might I be able to use to do this? I suppose I could just trim and strip the wires and shove those through and solder, but that seems...crude? I don't know. I'd prefer something with pins because I practiced soldering and desoldering using some broken electronics I had, and I'm more confident with pins than something so freeform.

Thanks for your time.


I'm a mathsy scientist, not a linguist, so I'm coming at this from a different angle, but I find this blog by a linguist gives a great informal overview of applied category theory in linguistics.

Similar concepts from a mathematician's angle is here: I really enjoy how complementary these perspectives are

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