The only one I know of is "The Jedi Drinking Song" by the Brobdingnagian Bards
Who turned off the lights?
Why did I just hear this in Cheryl Tunt's voice?
I live in California, I called it and all I got was a fast busy signal.
Can't read due to paywall
Yes and no, the Kimono is more formal and upscale while a Yukata is more of an everyday kind of thing. Sorr of like a formal evening gown vs an everyday dress. Yes, they are both dresses but not really the same.
When doing a search, I came across this. It was an interesting read.
That looks more like a Yukata than a Kimono. It only has one collar, and I would hazard a guess the material isn't a silk brocade.
I have the same problem with liftoff. This is the only instance I can't view on liftoff. It is working on voyager however
I thought it was Evil Barry
"The Sword of Truth" series by Terry Goodmind. But better than they did before, like, actually follow the books.
I use this method as well but I also use the criteria that if I learned something new that is interesting or useful in my life I will upvote. If it's useless drivel or based on conspiracy theories then I downvote.
A group called Otyken. They are a Siberian/Russian folk music group