Beats getting a hoodie for Christmas!
(Don't ask me how I know)
Beats getting a hoodie for Christmas!
(Don't ask me how I know)
The Haaretz is a well established Israeli Newspaper.
I use a pretty basic one (with an N100 microprocessor and intel integrated graphics) as a TV box + home server combo and its excellent for that.
It's totally unsuitable for gaming unless we're talking about stuff running in DOSEmu or similar and even then I'm using it with a wireless remote rather than a keyboard + mouse, which isn't exactly suitable for PC gaming.
Mind you, there are configurations with dedicated graphics but they're about 4x the price of the one I got (which cost me about €120) and at that point you're starting to enter into the same domain as small form factor desktop PCs using things like standard motherboards, which are probably better for PC gaming simply because you can upgrade just about anything in those whilst hardware upgradeability of mini PCs is limited to only some things (like SDD and RAM).
In my own personal experience of doing it in London for years (nowadays I'm in a different country and just walk to work) as well as a conference I attended way back by a researcher studying exposure to polution in London, if you're doing it in a big city like that, try and find a path that minimizes your exposure to polution, since whilst you actually get a proper daily fill of exercise cycling to work, you're subject to the same risks as people who jog near roads with lots of traffic, which include such unexpected things as a higher risk of heart attack (due to soot microparticles from ICE exhaust transversing the lungs into the blood and ending up accumulating around the heart) as a well as (more expected) problems in the respiratory system because the sulfur oxides emitted by cars (especially diesel) mix with the water in your airways and lungs and turn into acid.
Mind you, it doesn't need to be that much of a detour: from models I've seen for London polution, merely being one street over from a main road massivelly decreases the polution levels one is exposed to.
Time to stop the Israeli white colonialist land theft - FTFY.
Trauma my ass.
Literally only a handful of people alive today in Israel experienced the Holocaust and most aren't even descendents Western European Jews: their parents and grandparents came from Russia (especially people from the Settler Movement).
Nah, this is the same kind of thieving and murdering white colonialism as in the US back when their were genociding the Native Tribes, Appartheid South Africa and the worst of the White occupiers in Africa (such as Belgium in Congo) - as can be seen by the way the Zionists treat Ethiopian Jews - which just happens to be associated with an unusual overwhelmingly white religion other than the usual overwhelmingly White religion.
These people have the same kind of "Western Values" as early XX century Germany.
The real anti-antisemitism is the genociders who are mass murdering children because of their ethnicity claiming that their actions represent all Jews and hence criticizing them is anti-semitic.
Even in their use of "If you criticize what you do you're criticizing our race" arguments the Zionists are the closest to Nazis there is in the present day.
Spain will side with them.
Also the biggest losers in a tit-for-tat "veto war" would be Germany as the EU is still mainly a Mercantilist organization and they're the ones who gain the most from it.
In this the Republic Of Ireland is a shinny example of Humanitarianism and shames most of the rest of Europe (I know I'm ashamed of the government of my own country).
Unlike the Republic Of Ireland not that many European countries will be able to say in the Future when people talk about the XXI century version of the Nazis that they were on the right side of History.
Meanwhile the NYC Police will be opening an emergency phone line exclusive for CEOs who feel threatened or harassed.
That's definitely going to convince people in general that the Police "works for the community" and that they should "trust the Police".
The second line doesn't logically follow from the first - you're talking about a relatively better option all the way to that top line and then you switch from "better than other" to "good" - it's like going about how in a choice between being knifed twice versus being knifed just once the "just knifed once" is good in comparison and then jumping from that to saying that getting knifed once is good.
Even beyond that totally illogical jump, the other flaw of logic is treating each election as a unique totally independent choice whose results have no impact on the options available on subsequent choices - I.e. that who the Democrat Party puts forwards and who the Republic Party puts forwards as candidates in an election isn't at all influenced by how the electorate responded to previous candidates they put forward in previous elections - it is absolutely valid for people to refuse to vote for Kamala to "send a message to the Democrat Party" (I.e. to try to influence the candidates the party puts forward in subsequence election) and it's around the validity or not of risking 4 years of Trump to try and get an acceptable Democrat candidate in at the end of it that the discussion should be (and there are valid points both ways) not the hyper-reductive falacy you seem so wedded to.
Choices in the real world are a bit more multi faceted and with much more elements and implications than that self-serving "simpleton" slogan the DNC pushed out in its propaganda which you are parroting.