
joined 10 months ago

Been high nonstop for years. I realize it's bad for my health. But at least being high feels good.

My future is on a planet becoming increasingly unhabitable, under a government becoming increasingly fascist, doing nothing but working and still not being able to afford rent or food, never traveling, never making real friends much less finding a life partner, water quickly becoming a luxury, and with zero chance of ever retiring.

So why even bother?


Preferably not a Kindle because I dislike Amazon spyware but if it must be then it must be.

My use case is downloading PDFs and epubs onto my phone and transferring them to the eink display.

[–] AbsoluteChicagoDog@lemm.ee -5 points 3 months ago

Discovery is just JJ Trek with pointless speeches change my mind


Would make the show watchable and cut like half the time.


Using specific words and phrasing with the government to get a desirable outcome is literally what some of us have to do with the police.

[–] AbsoluteChicagoDog@lemm.ee 4 points 4 months ago (15 children)

How do I do that?

[–] AbsoluteChicagoDog@lemm.ee 2 points 4 months ago (4 children)

Have any recommendations?


I want to go biking in cities, but from what I've read most police departments simply do not give a fuck about stolen bikes. How do I make sure my bike doesn't get stolen?

[–] AbsoluteChicagoDog@lemm.ee 1 points 4 months ago

None of this makes sense

[–] AbsoluteChicagoDog@lemm.ee 12 points 5 months ago

Oh no. A rich person with access to the best medical care in the world is sick. What ever will we do.


Everyone is talking about the American soldiers killed in Jordan. But I don't know why they were there to begin with.

[–] AbsoluteChicagoDog@lemm.ee 29 points 5 months ago (4 children)

Biden should call them the fuck out. Immediately withdraw all federal funding, including anything paid for by the government like power plants and highways. Let them suffer until they're willing to play nice with the rest of us.

[–] AbsoluteChicagoDog@lemm.ee 2 points 5 months ago (1 children)

As someone who used to go pronghorn hunting with my drunk uncles, they still have one predator.

[–] AbsoluteChicagoDog@lemm.ee 4 points 5 months ago (2 children)

...that's not how email works

[–] AbsoluteChicagoDog@lemm.ee 10 points 5 months ago

Isolating your cat will only stress him out more

[–] AbsoluteChicagoDog@lemm.ee 30 points 5 months ago

Don't get me wrong, it's great that Disney via the government has stopped fucking us out of our culture. But we're talking about 100+ year old cartoons. So yeah, Disney won.

[–] AbsoluteChicagoDog@lemm.ee 16 points 5 months ago (14 children)

*If you're a woman. That's a good way to end up on a list if you're a man.


If anyone was still taking them seriously, they sure as hell aren't now.


There's a genre of game I've always wanted to get into, but I can't think of any titles off the top of my head.

Usually the game is colonial, pirate, or sci-fi themed. You go around buying and selling stuff, maintaining and upgrading your ship, and dealing with stuff that happens.

I want to play a game like that what should I play.


I have so many friends who would 100% be labeled as an incel if they were men. They hold men to impossibly high standards while meeting none of those standards themselves.

For example, women living with parents while expecting men to have their own place, women who are obese but are only interested in fit men, working part time while expecting a man who has a career, refusing to drive and expecting men to chauffeur them around, expecting men to have a variety of friends and interests while doing nothing but watching TV all day, etc.

The worst part is, calling out this inequality will 100% get any man labeled as an incel. We're expected to either deal with it or be alone forever.

This is NOT to undermine the very real issues women have to deal with, for example the loss of bodily autonomy in the US. But this is still an issue worth discussing and nobody is talking about it.


I'm wondering if I have a weed problem. I started taking weed to help my depression then after a while I take it every day. Usually edibles and vaping sometimes just vaping.

And I've been taking T breaks and it seems like when I'm on a break everything is horrible life sucks and it makes it hard to be on a t break. So I maybe don't take it for a day or two each month. I keep saying I'm on a T break but I never really am.

All I do is get stoned, sometimes with my friends, usually alone. That's all I do. If I'm not working I'm high or getting high soon.

I'm trying to find a girlfriend but sometimes they want to see me and I'm too high to go see them. That's happened to me and it sucks I really want a girlfriend and I missed those chances because I was stoned.

I know weed isn't addicting but is there another thing for it? Should I move away and try to start over sober?

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