Lemmy Português

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Esta é o Lemmy Português, uma instância de Lemmy direcionada a utilizadores e comunidades Portuguesas, ou de Língua Portuguesa.
Servidores disponibilizados pela WebTejo.


Para o bom funcionamento deste espaço, existem regras e um código de conduta que deve ser sempre seguido.

  1. Respeita todos e mantém uma atitude acolhedora. Isto implica não recorrer a insultos, humilhações, ataques pessoais, etc. Sê tolerante.
  2. Publicação ou ameaças de publicação de informações privadas (doxxing, mensagens diretas, etc) é estritamente proibido.
  3. Usa linguagem percetível por todos e uma gramática correta. Este espaço pretende ser inclusivo, e isso só é possível se todos formos capazes de comunicar bem.
  4. Nada de conteúdo NSFW.
  5. Qualquer conteúdo de teor traumático, perturbador ou que conte o enredo de algum livro, filme, série ou jogo deve ser marcado como tal e escondido (spoiler).
  6. É inaceitável tentar passar por uma outra pessoa.

Por fim, usa senso comum.

O incumprimento de qualquer uma destas regras resultará num aviso. Caso o problema persista, o utilizador será banido.

ℹ️ Estas regras serão expandidas e um documento de código de conduta redigido, na comunidade Regras, quando o Lemmy suportar melhores controlos de moderação para comunidades.

Registo de contas e criação de comunidades

Devido ao aparecimento de trolls e de contas automáticas que poluem a rede com conteúdo indesejado, o registo de novas contas foi restringido, sendo agora necessário não só um endereço de correio eletrónico, como o preenchimento de uma pequena "candidatura" que terá que ser aprovada por um administrador antes da conta ser ativada.

Pelo mesmo motivo, a criação de comunidades está sujeita a uma restrição semelhante. Será necessário fazer uma publicação na comunidade Meta, com título e corpo adequados, para requisitar a criação de uma nova comunidade.

Por fim, é igualmente possível requisitar a posição de moderador numa das comunidades originais ou numa que não possua nenhum moderador ativo. Em qualquer dos casos, haverá um processo de avaliação antes da promoção, por motivos de segurança.

Para mais informações, deves ler a barra lateral da comunidade Meta.


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O servidor onde a instância está alojada custa ~10€/mês. Eu consigo cobrir parte dos custos, mas para garantir o seu suave funcionamento, é necessária algum auxílio. Ninguém se deve sentir no dever de doar o que seja, porém àqueles e àquelas que têm a possibilidade e a vontade, qualquer ajuda é muito bem-vinda :)

Eis a página de LiberaPay onde é possível fazer um donativo: https://liberapay.com/lemmy.pt/
Num futuro próximo vai ser estabelecido um repositório com registos mensais de donativos e despesas, de modo a existir maior transparência no financiamento da instância. Fiquem atentos.


Existe uma sala na rede Matrix dedicado a esta instância de Lemmy. Aqui, além de discussões sobre a instância, os administradores vão publicando avisos relativamente a problemas técnicos e interrupções de serviço. Junta-te a #tuga-lemmy:matrix.org para participares na conversa!

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Traduzir o Lemmy

Sendo apologistas do movimento de software livre e da ideia de redes federadas, temos contribuído para o projecto através da tradução para Português. Este processo é realizado através da instância de Weblate (uma ferramenta de tradução, também ela livre) do projecto Lemmy, e que pode ser econtrada em https://weblate.join-lemmy.org Qualquer sugestão de tradução é bem-vinda!

Discussão sobre a tradução do projecto pode ser feita na sala de Matrix acima referida, ou, alternativamente, numa outra sala sobre tradução em geral, em #tuga-traducao:matrix.org

Qualidade do serviço


É possível consultar o "uptime" do serviço em https://estado.lemmy.pt.

founded 2 years ago

Speed Daily exclusively learned that the American toy company Hasbro is seeking to sell its well-known IP “Dungeons & Dragons” (referred to as “DND” below), and Tencent is one of the potential buyers.

At present, the negotiations are still in the early stages and both parties have not yet reached an agreement on the details of the transaction.

According to informed sources, the financial crisis faced by Hasbro is the main reason for considering the sale of DND, and Tencent Investment’s Larian Studios is acting as an intermediary in this transaction. Larian Studios’ game “Baldur’s Gate 3” won the TGA Game of the Year award in 2023 and is considered one of the most successful adaptations of DND. As a result, it was seen as a potential target buyer by Hasbro. However, due to insufficient funds, Larian ultimately introduced this deal to shareholder Tencent.

Hasbro was founded in 1923 and has a history of over a hundred years. In 1935, the company gradually became a world-class toy company with its Monopoly series games. It owns well-known IPs such as Transformers, Dungeons & Dragons, Monopoly, and My Little Pony. However, this century-old enterprise is currently facing a huge crisis due to losses. Its stock price has dropped from a high of $108 in 2019 to $51 (closing data on January 26th).

According to the financial report, as of the third quarter of 2023, Hasbro has been experiencing consecutive losses for four quarters due to its main business of toy sales. The accumulated loss from Q4 2022 to Q3 2023 exceeds $500 million USD, and in Q2 2023, there was even a negative free cash flow situation. According to Forbes reports, in response to the crisis, the company underwent significant layoffs last year, with a total reduction of over 1,900 employees accounting for more than 20%.

Although the company as a whole is in a loss situation, its DND-related IP is a high-quality asset and has achieved considerable success in video game adaptations. Last year, the release of “Baldur’s Gate 3” by Larian Studios was both critically acclaimed and commercially successful. It not only won six TGA awards, including Game of the Year but also generated revenue of $657 million, surpassing the Harry Potter IP adaptation game “Hogwarts Legacy,” making it the most profitable PC exclusive game last year.

The success of “Baldur’s Gate 3” is also reflected in the financial data of Hasbro. The financial report shows that in the third quarter of 2023, driven by “Baldur’s Gate 3” and another Monopoly IP game called “Monopoly Go!”, Hasbro’s electronic gaming and licensing-related business achieved a contrary year-on-year growth of 40%, reaching $423 million.

Outside of electronic games, DND is also one of the most popular tabletop games in Europe and America. It has appeared multiple times in American TV shows such as “The Big Bang Theory” and “Stranger Things”. A large fan base has formed around its related culture, making it a top-tier IP.

A Tencent IEG (Interactive Entertainment Group) insider revealed that Tencent, represented by its overseas business department IEG Global, is in negotiations with the aim of acquiring a series of rights including the adaptation rights for electronic games such as DND.

According to the aforementioned IEG insiders, Tencent currently holds the game adaptation rights for many top-tier IPs. However, due to the licensing model mostly not being a one-time buyout, Tencent not only needs to bear high copyright fees and long-term revenue sharing but also frequently faces restrictions from its partners in terms of development and operation. Previously, the mobile game adaptation of “NieR” developed by Tencent TiMi Studio was unable to be launched even until the project was cancelled.

If this acquisition is successful, it will enable Tencent to gain dominant control over the IP of Dungeons & Dragons, which will largely avoid the aforementioned issues.

Companies in Europe and America attach great importance to the value of intellectual property (IP), while Chinese companies have limited opportunities to acquire top-tier IP from overseas. For Tencent, the opportunity to acquire the Dungeons & Dragons IP from Hasbro due to financial considerations is a rare chance.


Speed Daily exclusively learned that the American toy company Hasbro is seeking to sell its well-known IP “Dungeons & Dragons” (referred to as “DND” below), and Tencent is one of the potential buyers.

At present, the negotiations are still in the early stages and both parties have not yet reached an agreement on the details of the transaction.

According to informed sources, the financial crisis faced by Hasbro is the main reason for considering the sale of DND, and Tencent Investment’s Larian Studios is acting as an intermediary in this transaction. Larian Studios’ game “Baldur’s Gate 3” won the TGA Game of the Year award in 2023 and is considered one of the most successful adaptations of DND. As a result, it was seen as a potential target buyer by Hasbro. However, due to insufficient funds, Larian ultimately introduced this deal to shareholder Tencent.

Hasbro was founded in 1923 and has a history of over a hundred years. In 1935, the company gradually became a world-class toy company with its Monopoly series games. It owns well-known IPs such as Transformers, Dungeons & Dragons, Monopoly, and My Little Pony. However, this century-old enterprise is currently facing a huge crisis due to losses. Its stock price has dropped from a high of $108 in 2019 to $51 (closing data on January 26th).

According to the financial report, as of the third quarter of 2023, Hasbro has been experiencing consecutive losses for four quarters due to its main business of toy sales. The accumulated loss from Q4 2022 to Q3 2023 exceeds $500 million USD, and in Q2 2023, there was even a negative free cash flow situation. According to Forbes reports, in response to the crisis, the company underwent significant layoffs last year, with a total reduction of over 1,900 employees accounting for more than 20%.

Although the company as a whole is in a loss situation, its DND-related IP is a high-quality asset and has achieved considerable success in video game adaptations. Last year, the release of “Baldur’s Gate 3” by Larian Studios was both critically acclaimed and commercially successful. It not only won six TGA awards, including Game of the Year but also generated revenue of $657 million, surpassing the Harry Potter IP adaptation game “Hogwarts Legacy,” making it the most profitable PC exclusive game last year.

The success of “Baldur’s Gate 3” is also reflected in the financial data of Hasbro. The financial report shows that in the third quarter of 2023, driven by “Baldur’s Gate 3” and another Monopoly IP game called “Monopoly Go!”, Hasbro’s electronic gaming and licensing-related business achieved a contrary year-on-year growth of 40%, reaching $423 million.

Outside of electronic games, DND is also one of the most popular tabletop games in Europe and America. It has appeared multiple times in American TV shows such as “The Big Bang Theory” and “Stranger Things”. A large fan base has formed around its related culture, making it a top-tier IP.

A Tencent IEG (Interactive Entertainment Group) insider revealed that Tencent, represented by its overseas business department IEG Global, is in negotiations with the aim of acquiring a series of rights including the adaptation rights for electronic games such as DND.

According to the aforementioned IEG insiders, Tencent currently holds the game adaptation rights for many top-tier IPs. However, due to the licensing model mostly not being a one-time buyout, Tencent not only needs to bear high copyright fees and long-term revenue sharing but also frequently faces restrictions from its partners in terms of development and operation. Previously, the mobile game adaptation of “NieR” developed by Tencent TiMi Studio was unable to be launched even until the project was cancelled.

If this acquisition is successful, it will enable Tencent to gain dominant control over the IP of Dungeons & Dragons, which will largely avoid the aforementioned issues.

Companies in Europe and America attach great importance to the value of intellectual property (IP), while Chinese companies have limited opportunities to acquire top-tier IP from overseas. For Tencent, the opportunity to acquire the Dungeons & Dragons IP from Hasbro due to financial considerations is a rare chance.

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