Lemmy Português

889 readers
11 users here now


Esta é o Lemmy Português, uma instância de Lemmy direcionada a utilizadores e comunidades Portuguesas, ou de Língua Portuguesa.
Servidores disponibilizados pela WebTejo.


Para o bom funcionamento deste espaço, existem regras e um código de conduta que deve ser sempre seguido.

  1. Respeita todos e mantém uma atitude acolhedora. Isto implica não recorrer a insultos, humilhações, ataques pessoais, etc. Sê tolerante.
  2. Publicação ou ameaças de publicação de informações privadas (doxxing, mensagens diretas, etc) é estritamente proibido.
  3. Usa linguagem percetível por todos e uma gramática correta. Este espaço pretende ser inclusivo, e isso só é possível se todos formos capazes de comunicar bem.
  4. Nada de conteúdo NSFW.
  5. Qualquer conteúdo de teor traumático, perturbador ou que conte o enredo de algum livro, filme, série ou jogo deve ser marcado como tal e escondido (spoiler).
  6. É inaceitável tentar passar por uma outra pessoa.

Por fim, usa senso comum.

O incumprimento de qualquer uma destas regras resultará num aviso. Caso o problema persista, o utilizador será banido.

ℹ️ Estas regras serão expandidas e um documento de código de conduta redigido, na comunidade Regras, quando o Lemmy suportar melhores controlos de moderação para comunidades.

Registo de contas e criação de comunidades

Devido ao aparecimento de trolls e de contas automáticas que poluem a rede com conteúdo indesejado, o registo de novas contas foi restringido, sendo agora necessário não só um endereço de correio eletrónico, como o preenchimento de uma pequena "candidatura" que terá que ser aprovada por um administrador antes da conta ser ativada.

Pelo mesmo motivo, a criação de comunidades está sujeita a uma restrição semelhante. Será necessário fazer uma publicação na comunidade Meta, com título e corpo adequados, para requisitar a criação de uma nova comunidade.

Por fim, é igualmente possível requisitar a posição de moderador numa das comunidades originais ou numa que não possua nenhum moderador ativo. Em qualquer dos casos, haverá um processo de avaliação antes da promoção, por motivos de segurança.

Para mais informações, deves ler a barra lateral da comunidade Meta.


Esta instância corre num servidor da WebTejo, uma empresa de alojamento web independente e nacional. Deem uma vista de olhos 😉

Ajudar a correr esta instância


O servidor onde a instância está alojada custa ~10€/mês. Eu consigo cobrir parte dos custos, mas para garantir o seu suave funcionamento, é necessária algum auxílio. Ninguém se deve sentir no dever de doar o que seja, porém àqueles e àquelas que têm a possibilidade e a vontade, qualquer ajuda é muito bem-vinda :)

Eis a página de LiberaPay onde é possível fazer um donativo: https://liberapay.com/lemmy.pt/
Num futuro próximo vai ser estabelecido um repositório com registos mensais de donativos e despesas, de modo a existir maior transparência no financiamento da instância. Fiquem atentos.


Existe uma sala na rede Matrix dedicado a esta instância de Lemmy. Aqui, além de discussões sobre a instância, os administradores vão publicando avisos relativamente a problemas técnicos e interrupções de serviço. Junta-te a #tuga-lemmy:matrix.org para participares na conversa!

Existem também outras salas portuguesas que podes ver aderindo ao espaço #espacotuga:matrix.org.

Também é possível entrar em contacto com os administradores através das mensagens privadas da plataforma, ou por correio eletrónico.

Traduzir o Lemmy

Sendo apologistas do movimento de software livre e da ideia de redes federadas, temos contribuído para o projecto através da tradução para Português. Este processo é realizado através da instância de Weblate (uma ferramenta de tradução, também ela livre) do projecto Lemmy, e que pode ser econtrada em https://weblate.join-lemmy.org Qualquer sugestão de tradução é bem-vinda!

Discussão sobre a tradução do projecto pode ser feita na sala de Matrix acima referida, ou, alternativamente, numa outra sala sobre tradução em geral, em #tuga-traducao:matrix.org

Qualidade do serviço


É possível consultar o "uptime" do serviço em https://estado.lemmy.pt.

founded 3 years ago

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/1465740

What is Lemmy?

Lemmy is a self-hosted social link aggregation and discussion platform. It is completely free and open, and not controlled by any company. This means that there is no advertising, tracking, or secret algorithms. Content is organized into communities, so it is easy to subscribe to topics that you are interested in, and ignore others. Voting is used to bring the most interesting items to the top.

Major Changes

HTTP API instead of Websocket

Until now Lemmy-UI used websocket for all API requests. This has many disadvantages, like making the code harder to maintain, and causing live updates to the site which many users dislike. Most importantly, it requires keeping a connection open between server and client at all times, which causes increased load and makes scaling difficult. That's why we decided to rip out websocket entirely, and switch to HTTP instead. This change was made much more urgent by the sudden influx of new users. @CannotSleep420 and @dessalines have been working hard for the past weeks to implement this change in lemmy-ui.

HTTP on its own is already more lightweight than websocket. Additionally it also allows for caching of server responses which can decrease load on the database. Here is an experimental nginx config which enables response caching. Note that Lemmy doesn't send any cache-control headers yet, so there is a chance that private data gets cached and served to other users. Test carefully and use at your own risk.

Two-Factor Authentication

New support for two-factor authentication. Use an app like andOTP or Authenticator Pro to store a secret for your account. This secret needs to be entered every time you login. It ensures that an attacker can't access your account with the password alone.

Custom Emojis

Instance admins can add different images as emojis which can be referenced by users when posting.

Other changes

Progressive Web App

Lemmy's web client can now be installed on browsers that support PWAs, both on desktop and mobile. It will use an instance's icon and name for the app if they are set, making it look like a given instance is an app.

Note for desktop Firefox users: the desktop version of Firefox does not have built in support for PWAs. If you would like to use a Lemmy instance as a PWA, use use this extension.

Error Pages

Lemmy's web client now has error pages that include resources to use if the problem persists. This should be much less jarring for users than displaying a white screen with the text "404 error message here".

Route Changes

Pages that took arguments in the route now take query parameters instead. For example, a link to lemmy.ml's home page with a few options used to look like this:


The new route would look like this:


Note that you now only have to specify parameters you want instead of all of them.

Searchable select redesign

The searchable selects, such as those used on the search page, have a new look and feel. No more inexplicable green selects when using the lightly themes!

Share button

Posts on the web client now have a share button on supported browsers. This can be used to share posts to other applications quickly and easily.

Lemmy-UI Overall look and feel

lemmy-ui is now upgraded to bootstrap 5, and every component is now much cleaner.

Special thanks to sleepless, alectrocute, jsit, and many others for their great work on improving and re-organizing lemmy-ui.

Database optimizations

Special thanks to johanndt, for suggesting improvements to Lemmy's database queries. Some of these suggestions have already been implemented, and more are on the way.

Query speed is Lemmy's main performance bottleneck, so we really appreciate any help database experts can provide.


Captchas are not available in this version, as they need to be reimplemented in a different way. They will be back in 0.18.1, so wait with upgrading if you rely on them.

Upgrade instructions

Follow the upgrade instructions for ansible or docker.

If you need help with the upgrade, you can ask in our support forum or on the Matrix Chat.

Support development

We (@dessalines and @nutomic) have been working full-time on Lemmy for almost three years. This is largely thanks to support from NLnet foundation.

If you like using Lemmy, and want to make sure that we will always be available to work full time building it, consider donating to support its development. No one likes recurring donations, but they've proven to be the only way that open-source software like Lemmy can stay independent and alive.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/1465740

What is Lemmy?

Lemmy is a self-hosted social link aggregation and discussion platform. It is completely free and open, and not controlled by any company. This means that there is no advertising, tracking, or secret algorithms. Content is organized into communities, so it is easy to subscribe to topics that you are interested in, and ignore others. Voting is used to bring the most interesting items to the top.

Major Changes

HTTP API instead of Websocket

Until now Lemmy-UI used websocket for all API requests. This has many disadvantages, like making the code harder to maintain, and causing live updates to the site which many users dislike. Most importantly, it requires keeping a connection open between server and client at all times, which causes increased load and makes scaling difficult. That's why we decided to rip out websocket entirely, and switch to HTTP instead. This change was made much more urgent by the sudden influx of new users. @CannotSleep420 and @dessalines have been working hard for the past weeks to implement this change in lemmy-ui.

HTTP on its own is already more lightweight than websocket. Additionally it also allows for caching of server responses which can decrease load on the database. Here is an experimental nginx config which enables response caching. Note that Lemmy doesn't send any cache-control headers yet, so there is a chance that private data gets cached and served to other users. Test carefully and use at your own risk.

Two-Factor Authentication

New support for two-factor authentication. Use an app like andOTP or Authenticator Pro to store a secret for your account. This secret needs to be entered every time you login. It ensures that an attacker can't access your account with the password alone.

Custom Emojis

Instance admins can add different images as emojis which can be referenced by users when posting.

Other changes

Progressive Web App

Lemmy's web client can now be installed on browsers that support PWAs, both on desktop and mobile. It will use an instance's icon and name for the app if they are set, making it look like a given instance is an app.

Note for desktop Firefox users: the desktop version of Firefox does not have built in support for PWAs. If you would like to use a Lemmy instance as a PWA, use use this extension.

Error Pages

Lemmy's web client now has error pages that include resources to use if the problem persists. This should be much less jarring for users than displaying a white screen with the text "404 error message here".

Route Changes

Pages that took arguments in the route now take query parameters instead. For example, a link to lemmy.ml's home page with a few options used to look like this:


The new route would look like this:


Note that you now only have to specify parameters you want instead of all of them.

Searchable select redesign

The searchable selects, such as those used on the search page, have a new look and feel. No more inexplicable green selects when using the lightly themes!

Share button

Posts on the web client now have a share button on supported browsers. This can be used to share posts to other applications quickly and easily.

Lemmy-UI Overall look and feel

lemmy-ui is now upgraded to bootstrap 5, and every component is now much cleaner.

Special thanks to sleepless, alectrocute, jsit, and many others for their great work on improving and re-organizing lemmy-ui.

Database optimizations

Special thanks to johanndt, for suggesting improvements to Lemmy's database queries. Some of these suggestions have already been implemented, and more are on the way.

Query speed is Lemmy's main performance bottleneck, so we really appreciate any help database experts can provide.


Captchas are not available in this version, as they need to be reimplemented in a different way. They will be back in 0.18.1, so wait with upgrading if you rely on them.

Upgrade instructions

Follow the upgrade instructions for ansible or docker.

If you need help with the upgrade, you can ask in our support forum or on the Matrix Chat.

Support development

We (@dessalines and @nutomic) have been working full-time on Lemmy for almost three years. This is largely thanks to support from NLnet foundation.

If you like using Lemmy, and want to make sure that we will always be available to work full time building it, consider donating to support its development. No one likes recurring donations, but they've proven to be the only way that open-source software like Lemmy can stay independent and alive.


Would be great to get upgraded soon! Lots of UI improvements.

Lemmy v0.18.0 Release (join-lemmy.org)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by dessalines@lemmy.ml to c/announcements@lemmy.ml

What is Lemmy?

Lemmy is a self-hosted social link aggregation and discussion platform. It is completely free and open, and not controlled by any company. This means that there is no advertising, tracking, or secret algorithms. Content is organized into communities, so it is easy to subscribe to topics that you are interested in, and ignore others. Voting is used to bring the most interesting items to the top.

Major Changes

HTTP API instead of Websocket

Until now Lemmy-UI used websocket for all API requests. This has many disadvantages, like making the code harder to maintain, and causing live updates to the site which many users dislike. Most importantly, it requires keeping a connection open between server and client at all times, which causes increased load and makes scaling difficult. That's why we decided to rip out websocket entirely, and switch to HTTP instead. This change was made much more urgent by the sudden influx of new users. @CannotSleep420 and @dessalines have been working hard for the past weeks to implement this change in lemmy-ui.

HTTP on its own is already more lightweight than websocket. Additionally it also allows for caching of server responses which can decrease load on the database. Here is an experimental nginx config which enables response caching. Note that Lemmy doesn't send any cache-control headers yet, so there is a chance that private data gets cached and served to other users. Test carefully and use at your own risk.

Two-Factor Authentication

New support for two-factor authentication. Use an app like andOTP or Authenticator Pro to store a secret for your account. This secret needs to be entered every time you login. It ensures that an attacker can't access your account with the password alone.

Custom Emojis

Instance admins can add different images as emojis which can be referenced by users when posting.

Other changes

Progressive Web App

Lemmy's web client can now be installed on browsers that support PWAs, both on desktop and mobile. It will use an instance's icon and name for the app if they are set, making it look like a given instance is an app.

Note for desktop Firefox users: the desktop version of Firefox does not have built in support for PWAs. If you would like to use a Lemmy instance as a PWA, use use this extension.

Error Pages

Lemmy's web client now has error pages that include resources to use if the problem persists. This should be much less jarring for users than displaying a white screen with the text "404 error message here".

Route Changes

Pages that took arguments in the route now take query parameters instead. For example, a link to lemmy.ml's home page with a few options used to look like this:


The new route would look like this:


Note that you now only have to specify parameters you want instead of all of them.

Searchable select redesign

The searchable selects, such as those used on the search page, have a new look and feel. No more inexplicable green selects when using the lightly themes!

Share button

Posts on the web client now have a share button on supported browsers. This can be used to share posts to other applications quickly and easily.

Lemmy-UI Overall look and feel

lemmy-ui is now upgraded to bootstrap 5, and every component is now much cleaner.

Special thanks to sleepless, alectrocute, jsit, and many others for their great work on improving and re-organizing lemmy-ui.

Database optimizations

Special thanks to johanndt, for suggesting improvements to Lemmy's database queries. Some of these suggestions have already been implemented, and more are on the way.

Query speed is Lemmy's main performance bottleneck, so we really appreciate any help database experts can provide.


Captchas are not available in this version, as they need to be reimplemented in a different way. They will be back in 0.18.1, so wait with upgrading if you rely on them.

Upgrade instructions

Follow the upgrade instructions for ansible or docker.

If you need help with the upgrade, you can ask in our support forum or on the Matrix Chat.

Support development

We (@dessalines and @nutomic) have been working full-time on Lemmy for almost three years. This is largely thanks to support from NLnet foundation.

If you like using Lemmy, and want to make sure that we will always be available to work full time building it, consider donating to support its development. No one likes recurring donations, but they've proven to be the only way that open-source software like Lemmy can stay independent and alive.

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