We blocked some crawlers on lemmy.ml today, so a dev would have to let us know what user agent mlem is using.
Mlem for Lemmy
Official community for Mlem, a free and open-source iOS Lemmy client.
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Lol I spent 3 hours trying to figure out why my app is not working only to realize your instance is rejecting empty or omitted user agents. I found setting it to any non empty value fixes it.
I’m working on my own client for Lemmy. What should I set user agent to prevent it from breaking again?
Please use a user agent that identifies your app.
I use Voyager and I can’t login either. Developer said he contacted instance admins to unblock user agent and all should be good but for some reason I still can’t login via the app. Any suggestions?
Have you tried updating the app? Once Mlem devs resolved the issue there was an update in the App Store.
Tried that, also tried deleting and reinstalling. I don’t mind using the browser to check my feed but it’s not as convenient.
The app has been updated in the apple store with an update note that says he added an app id to fix Lemmy.ml issues but it does not seem to work. I'm guessing that there is something Lemmy.ml has do whitelist now.
I'm currently working with the admins to resolve this issue.
Update: We've identified the root cause and a fix is in development. A patch will be out as soon as possible.
Update 2: The fix is ready and just waiting on App Review to release.
Update 3: The fix is live. Thank you for your patience!
❤️ thanks for picking this up so quickly and for the updates
Thanks for letting us know, we're looking into it. I'm also having the same issue. Lemmy.ml seems to be working fine on the website, but is currently broken when using Mlem. Other clients (I've tried Voyager and Arctic) appear to be having the same issue, so I think the Lemmy.ml admins might have changed something server-side.
Thanks for confirming! I don’t have any other apps installed so didn’t think to check.
Love your work btw. Very pretty and intuitive app ❤️.
Confirming I too am having trouble with logging on to lemmy.ml in Mlem.