Huh, that's funny, it's the same method I'm using to try and lose weight.
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I managed both!
Partner: I found my soon-to-be-wife in online app (OKC)
Losing weight: taking care of my mom while she was dying. 10kg in 2-3 months.
1st one I recommend, 2nd one not the best way to lose weight.
Take care bro
It's been 5 months since she passed but I am keeping my weight, The main thing is I don't eat as much bread as I used to.
Bro, what can I say take care yourself
Losing a parent is tough. I hope she's at peace now. My own mom died of colon cancer, and it was a long painful fight, so kind of bittersweet end as it meant no more suffering.
Sorry for your loss. Mine was small cell cancer so it was quick and brutal.