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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/TheSurvivalist123 on 2024-12-03 17:48:05+00:00.
First time poster; Been lurking for a while. With the recent events (AI prediction, congress hearing, Lakenheath base, and just general sightings) It is incredible easy to get caught up in all the excitement. But I wanted to remind myself--And maybe some of you too--that we should once in a while just look up. So many sightings have happened because you looked up at the right place at the right time, and by chance it could happen to me and you.
I also saw a post regarding a great increase in sightings in the UK; link at the bottom. And if there is a time to look up I feel that it is now. Besides if nothing happens it can do wonders just to breath outside once in a while, especially myself as I find myself glued to the monitor waiting for updates and news.
Hope my rambling is acceptable, and I will most likely go back to lurking now unless something incredible happens.