Is there any alternatives that still work well for you?
Due to the shortage, I switched to Vyvanse after ~18 years of Adderall. I was skeptical, but I figured I'd rather have a medication that worked okay rather than no medication and I could always go back once the shortage subsided. But I've actually been really happy with Vyvanse.
I had been on 50mg IR (taken in 10mg increments throughout the day) to get a smooth rise, level effects throughout the day, and to prevent a hard crash in the evening. And 50mg Vyvanse pretty closely matches that effect, but just with a little slower onset.
At this point, even if the pharmacies were overflowing with Adderall, I wouldn't switch back. The only downside to it is that I used to be able to tailor my doses to last longer in the evening when I was expecting the need to have more focus later than normal by pushing back my latter doses. But this happens less frequently so it isn't much of an issue.
Assuming your insurance covers it, I would say it's definitely worth giving Vyvanse a try. Worst case scenario, you'll have a medication that isn't as effective—but at least you'll have medication.