I use Thunderbird for that. I’ve got everything in folders and categories. I can read articles in text-only mode (depending on the feed), save them (even in folders with email messages), or delete them.
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Lire on iOS, and Feedbro firefox extension on the desktop. I used to use newboat, but switched since the browser is the new OS (j/k)
Probably belongs more in selfhosted, but I started to do my own instance of miniflux. Works decent and is clean interface. Didn’t want to have chance of another company ending a product again.
I’ve used Feedly ever since Google Reader shut down. I’ve stuck with it because it does what I need it to do.
I use matrix RSS bots
That's an interesting choice. Is there a reason you went with that instead of a more traditional reader?
reeder on the ipad (best ui for me) and vienna on macos (as its open source, themeable and fast)
I like Lire on iOS. I use the subway and train a lot and lose service, so it filled the need of offline caching. I like it!
FreshRSS with NetNewsWire
QuiteRSS portable
For self-hosted, TT-RSS. Otherwise Newsblur.
I only moved to self-hosted because I need to be able to read internal RSS feeds (Huginn etc) otherwise I would have stuck with Newsblur.
Another vote for Feedly. Development has stagnated a bit but it still works well
I've been selfhosting Miniflux on a raspberry pi 3b for a while now. It's very lightweight and minimal, and seems to happily subscribe to whatever feeds I've thrown at it.
I use the old reader most of the time.
Thanks for the suggestions everyone! There were quite a few, and it took me a fair bit to decide on which one I wanted to start out with.
For now, I'll be using Reeder to see if it meets my needs. Like I said though, lots of fantastic options. NetNewsWire was up there around number two in suggestions, and Feedly was mentioned a fair bit as well. Admittedly I also asked around people I know, and overall those using RSS seemed to prefer Reeder.
Still, if you're stumbling upon this looking for your own, definitely go through the suggestions here.
I’ve used Feedly ever since Google Reader shut down. I’ve stuck with it because it does what I need it to do.
I’ve used Feedly ever since Google Reader shut down. It works well.