NetNewsWire with Feedly now
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My choice too. I used Feedly mixed with Reeder for a while but after a while didn’t want to use Feedly anymore, so just using the feeds directly inside of NetNewsWire. The only thing I wish it had was a mute filter feature. Sometimes I want to filter words to avoid spoilers if a movie/game/whatever is coming out soon. Haven’t found a great looking RSS app with a mute filter feature without a subscription. I’m happy to pay for an app if it has what I want, but I’m not interested in a subscription.
I have tried many and Reeder is my default rss reader on iPhone, iPad and Mac. Reeder 5
Agreed. Fed by my self hosted FreshRSS server.
I love this implementation. No charges, no random shut down, etc. basically free. Amazing. Glad I’m not the only one.
Another for Reeder here.
Saw yours and others recommendation for reeder5 and tried it today. Really liking it so far. Thank you for that.
+1 for Reeder
NetNewsWire with syncing through Feedly.
The Feedly web UI is decent, and NNW is great on Mac and iOS.
I use Feedly directly in the web UI primarily on Windows and Linux
It all stays in sync nicely.
Feedly is the one I used since Google Reader died, haven't looked back since.
I had been using Feedly as well, as my GReader replacement. But they put a lot of features behind an arbitrary paywall with a few quite high. I understand people need to feed their families, but Reeder had the better value proposition for me (especially since I am already paying for iCloud storage).
This doesn't meet your platform requirements, but for non-Appley types reading - Feeder:
Very minimal (in a good way) and clean RSS reader that can sync across Android devices. I think if it had a Web version it'd be perfect.
I use Inoreader though I don't have any experience with using it in an Apple ecosystem. And if you want yet another alternative look at The Old Reader.
Reeder 5 NetNewsWire
NetNewsWire is free and light weight in a good way.
For iOS it’s Reeder. I’ve been using it forever. It’s awesome. I use an RSS aggregator on my rPi FreshRSS which uses an API to connect to my phone. Works really well.
Feedbin, with Reeder on iOS and Mac.
I've been a Feedbin user ever since Google Reader's shutdown. It's simple, it loads fast, and gets new features occasionally that I like. Does help that it looks nice af and not outdated too even after many years in.
Reader wise, always Reeder. I don't like it as much as the very earliest versions (I think it looks generic now especially on iPad), but I always felt like it was the best designed and the most reliable.
A bit of a shame that it's basically frozen in place feature wise. I remember double and triple dipping Reeder 3, 4 and now 5 and it's barely changed since.
I use Reeder and like it. I also have Reader by Readwise and tried to use the RSS feature in that, but it didn’t work as well as Reeder last I tried it.
Inoreader. It has a great iOS client and the web interface is fantastic too.
I use inoreader Pretty happy with it.
I came here to say Reeder because it’s the absolute best on Apple platforms, as it syncs with iCloud hence doesn’t rely on third party services.
I use it too on Android, but it's a shame that they add ads to the RSS feed when used in a third party app (such as Reeder 5, which I like to use on my Mac). So I'm kind of stuck between using Feedly for syncing with third party apps and using Inoreader for their superior mobile app.
I stopped using Feedly after all the creepy AI stuff. Reeder synced over iCloud with an OPML export every now and then keeps it so I'm not reliant on a central service and can run it all locally should I choose.
Anyone using Feedly, or equivalent, hasn't learnt the lessons of Google Reader. Manage it yourself, don't rely on a central service that's going to do creepy monitoring on you to power their AI model.
Lire rss
The developers is frequently updating and he has fixed bugs I reported. Full text is good and it had caching. However you will have to pay for it.
+1 for Inoreader. I was an avid user of Google Reader and Inoreader was the closest that I’ve found.
Another +1 for NetNewsWire. Its simple, ad-free, syncs over iCloud, can set an entire feed to reader mode (so convenient for certain feeds that only broadcast the headline), and its FOSS.
The creators encourage supporting other FOSS devs and accept no donations to themselves or NNW.
Unread is super clean with minimal UI distraction. Probably not for everyone, but I think it’s perfect
Yeah I use Unread on mobile and Feedly on desktop.
I have set TinyTinyRSS to a web server. There, with fever plug-in I use it to read feeds in Apple-devices with Reeder. This also allows me to use various apps in Windows and Android devices, whenever I feel like it.
I use the Feedbin service and the ReadKit app. I used to love Reeder, but ReadKit’s Wallabag integration won me over.
Reeder it is.
TTRSS with Fiery Feeds (iOS). This suits me very good
+1 for reeder
I’ve used Feedly ever since Google Reader shut down. I’ve stuck with it because it does what I need it to do.
I use Feedbin. Happy user since the early days. Feedbin on the web on macOS, Feedbin app on iOS.
I use Inoreader and have been very happy with it
I switched to Reeder with Feedly when Google Reader shut down and never looked back
Reeder and Newsblur is a great combo! I don't even miss Google Reader anymore.
NetNewsWire and An Otter RSS Reader.
I’ve been using News Explorer after trying to find something simple and like how it just gets out of the way on all Apple platforms (iOS, iPadOS, macOS).