Factorio vibes
Holy hell
Other chess communities:
New factory just dropped
Feels more like Mindustry to me
What is the bishop doing?
assembling the horseys, they need someone older to do that
Eyeing the pawns
white king sucks pawn!
Chess tower defence
The white pieces are kept in perpetual check slavery by the black rooks, who are forcing them to create endless white knights. What in the anarchy!?
Kind of looks like a starship in Conways Game of Life
New Mario Kart map.
So it's cyborg horses ridden by fleshy pawns of royal blood. And the workers are all living where they work. Furthermore, the kings are not living in the same towers as their queen counterpart, so the sexual engagement is of purely professional nature.
For a second when I clicked on the image I got that spinny loading logo and was excited thinking this would be animated, but it does not appear to be. Still pleased with the post though, thanks