Mkinitcpio -P didnt work?
Arch Linux
The beloved lightweight distro
I'm still waiting for the nvidia-beta-dkms
package to be updated in the AUR, but I was checking to see if nvidia
had left extra-staging earlier today, guess that happened right after I checked.
They had nvidia and lib32-nvidia-utils out of synch with lib32-nvidia-utils not updated to the new version yet. That's been fixed, although I don't know if that'll fix this particular issue.
I have been using the Frogging-Family Nvidia PKGBUILD for ages now. Easiest way I have seen to stay on the latest versions of the proprietary drivers with the least amount of headaches.
Had a maybe similar issue with steam and nvidia. Enabling multilib-testing and updateing lib32-nvidia-utils fixed it for me
My first linux fix find on Lemmy rather than Reddit. Keep it up!