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I think my first resource on Python was A Byte of Python. However, I'd probably rather start with a statically typed language.
If you are willing to teach your friend personally I'd suggest starting with illustrating basic algorithms and datastructures with a pen on paper. This helped me much more than anything else when I startetd programming.
I always found's video tutorials to be the best ones out there for beginners, so if your friend prefers learning stuff on video I'd suggest two videos:
Introduction to Programming and Computer Science if your friend wants to grasp the concept of a programming language and the really basic "whats" and "whys". I watched only the first ten minutes and it talked enough about what is a programming language. However I don't think it is obligatory, since these concepts are easy to grasp as you go (at least that's how it went for me when I was learning by myself).
The actual Python one is Learn Python - Full Course for Beginners, which does introduce how to setup and write Python, as well as programming concepts.
Both of them are pretty long. At least for me, I didn't ever felt the need to watch/read a full tutorial, since I always learned new stuff while searching on the web or watching specific tutorials for it (I remember I couldn't understand what and how for loops worked, so I tried to search and learn about them specifically).
Again, it really depends on the way your friend prefers to learn.
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