If they want the public and the broader scientific community to treat it as scientific, they need to show people what they have and let more scientists study the craft etc. Put up or shut up. As they say in Missouri, show me.
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According to multiple journalists who have been covering this story over the years, the organizations in possession of recovered crafts have zero desire to let others study what they have. The whistleblowers in favor of disclosure are not the ones with the ability to "put up".
Want to see the craft? Contact your elected representatives to vote in favor of the UAP Disclosure Act embedded in this year's NDAA bill.
Maybe it will all turn out to be ordinary stuff, maybe not.
Nice thought, but science doesn't deal with UNIDENTIFIED.
Give us data or shut up, because without data, "scientific" discussion is not scientific.
This is a puff piece by CNBC to distract from the actual work being done by Reps Luna, Gillebrand, Burchett and others and the recent assertions by Dr. Lacatski and Dr. Kelleher that the government DOES have craft in their possession and that they have been authorized by DoD to divulge that.
By claiming “AARO and NASA just want to look at the science!” they’re appealing to people who would take the recent poor excuses for “reports” by those institutions at face value.
The assertion that UAPs haven’t been studied by scientists and have been relegated to conspiracy theory only is such bunk and is truly offensive. They haven’t been studied by the broader scientific community because the government doesn’t share what they know. What about the work of Dr. Hynek, Dr. Kelleher and Dr. Lacatski?
They’re gaslighting us when they’re claiming to be fully transparent when anyone who pays attention to this topic can see they’re really not.
lol I don’t understand why this is being downvoted but ok.
Because until I see evidence, this is bullshit. When an alien has been documented and confirmed by multiple scientists I will agree with no problem. I don’t understand why there’s no proof.
There’s plenty of evidence of the government obstructing inquiries into UAP since the 1950s, yes. You can start with Project Blue Book.