windows were never meant to overlap, the desktop was never meant to be looked at. do not fear the real tiling window manager. sooner or later, you'll make the switch.
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I love AwesomeWM as a window manager. It's pretty easy, even for a complete beginner. I highly recommend.
Looks amazing, from a person scared of "real" tiling window managers to another lol. Also, what is that dashboard with shortcuts called, again? I swear I've seen it before as a Heimdall/Homer alternative but can't recall for the life of me...
Would you be willing to share your wallpaper? I really like it.
The wallpaper came from a paid collection from the "Backdrops" app on iOS and Android. The collection is called "Optic Odyssey".
I get "No Results Found" when. Searching for that in the backdrops app.
Edit: Nevermind I found it. But that specific wallpaper doesn't seem to be there for me. Any change you know what mission number that one is?
Its there, it's under premium.
Yup, I found it but I don't see that wallpaper in the connection.
Pretty sure it's Mission 31
Edit: So the one showing is the phone version, I paid for pro but still can't find the desktop version. Though it says full size is 2115x3600
Ah! I'm so sorry it was actually the "Cosmic Journeys" collection. And it's number 91 in the collection. I feel terrible if a few of you went and bought the wrong one. I had bought the Optic one as well for my phone so got them mixed up.
No worries, I have Play Pass so the premium collections were free, except the Cosmic Journeys one.
Looks like I'll be grabbing that one.
Thanks for following up and letting us know!