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Maybe pass electoral reform in your state so we can be free to vote for who best represents us without a spoiler effect.
i don't think your overlords would let that happen if it meant it would actually represent your interests
Some states do have alternative voting organization, it's not impossible.
my country has mandatory voting. we still get far right populists every time. the voting system in and of itself aint the issue.
It's worth pointing out that in Maine, which has instant runoff voting, it was the Republicans who most aggressively opposed its implementation and sued to try to reverse the results of an instant runoff election that they lost. The voting system needs to be repaired, but even within the system as it exists, there is one party that has a proven track record of actively trying to make it worse.
And California had Newsom block it:
I don't think it's Republicans, it's just the most popular party of the state it's in.
I got a pay wall on that story. Is there another source?
Always odd when my broke ass gets the article but no one else does, sorry about that. Here's a copy paste as I'm on mobile for the time being, alont with a direct link to the Veto: