During negotiations with the DNC and the Harris campaign, we were repeatedly told by interlocutors that Harris couldn’t meet any of our basic requests (a policy shift from Biden, a Palestinian speaker at the DNC, a statement distinguishing herself from Trump on Israel, or even a meeting with Michigan families who lost loved ones to Israeli bombs) because of AIPAC-aligned politicians like Fetterman, who might take to TV, rile up suburban white and Jewish voters, and fracture the party’s coalition in a swing state.
That political calculus alienated a key voting bloc, although likely not large enough to have shifted the ultimate election outcomes, that should be part of a durable Democratic majority. But few will ever be held accountable for that choice.
A Fetterman staffer condemning Uncommitted for not advocating for Palestinians 'the right way' is like an arsonist scolding the fire department for using the wrong hose.
Cool that it’s the DNC’s fault. Sucks that anyone who was working towards Palestinian liberation now has to shift their attention to not getting jailed or deported.
I heard the organizers are expanding their strategy to other issues, like protesting capitalism by refusing to buy food or stopping an oil pipeline by refusing to drive to the blockade.
They were quoted as saying “These failures are already guaranteed to be someone else’s fault, and that’s the most important part.”
Cool that people making a principled stand to engage with a political party to encourage a change in policy are at fault for the leaders of that political party refusing to change policy, despite being told at multiple levels, for a multitude of reasons, including electorally, why that policy was bad.
Liberals hate democracy. Expecting to engage with a political party to affect change? Ew, just tick the box with a D next to it regardless of what they do or say. Don't you know trying to engage with a party that doesn't listen to its base or membership might lead to bad PR and might hurt them in an election? How could you be so inconsiderate? Your role is just to sit down and do nothing and accept whatever they say is true on MSNBC.
Sarcastic tone, but I was telling the truth there: It is the DNC's fault. The policy and the defeat. And that fact is real cool for anyone who thinks that's the important part.
I'm not mad about Uncommitted's principles, and I don't pin any moral blame on them. But I do think they have shitty tactics. This is a war. The RNC and DNC vs. us. If you have any chance to weaken your opponent, you take it. The Dems will never be your ally, so stop expecting them to.
Way to stand up for Palestinians by letting an outright fascist make things even worse for Palestinians. I'm sure that's gonna go great for people who love democracy as much as you, a person who could not check a box to protect trans rights, emergency services, vaccination, et very cetera.
What the fuck are you on?
If you cared about Palestinians, you'd have supported the uncommitted movement a year ago. Instead, you're here wasting everyones time lashing out at randoms on the internet because the Democrats campaign failed due to their own choices.
Did you even bother to look at the 100+ comments already in this thread, to realise you're just the same as the other fucking morons who think random people on the internet criticising Democrats are the ones solely responsible for the Democrats losing the election? That it was their fault Democrats refused to move from endorsing genocide?
I am talking about a decision you made, as an individual - and which you still defend, here. What good was your principled stand? What on Earth was improved? What harm was minimized? Pounding the table about how bad things already were doesn't change that they are now worse.
Jesus christ you're a fucking moron. I'm not American. I can't vote in US elections. I'm from the UK. I didn't vote for Labour because they were also endorsing genocide. They still won the election.
Why do you not ask those questions of Democratic party and its leadership, people who have actual power compared to random nobodies asked to tick a box once every 4 years?
What good was your principled stand (materially supporting and endorsing genocide)? What harm was minimised (murdering tens of thousands of Palestinians to defend Israel from consequences)? Pounding the table about how bad things are doesn't change the way they keep getting worse (Democrats keep doubling down on genocide and being more racist, regardless of if they win or lose, and never change strategy).
Directed abuse over your own projected assumptions is not worth my time.
lmao like the projected assumptions I was from the US and voted in the election?
Again, did you think you were doing something that the 100+ comments in this thread hadn't already litigated, fucking moron?
Ask the campus protestors arrested during the Biden administration about their felony charges and then tell me about how activists have to worry about being jailed now.