Three gaming-focused Linux operating systems beat Windows 11 in gaming benchmarks
Discussions and news about gaming on the GNU/Linux family of operating systems (including the Steam Deck). Potentially a $HOME
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Original /r/linux_gaming pengwing by uoou.
I upvoted but it sounds hostile. Since valve started using and contributing to arch appears to be more reasonable.
No arch btw.
I like my Steam Deck. Why would I be hostile? You're reading too much into a concise statement.
Many readers are overly sensitive these days. If you use things like a period on the end of your sentences, and don't include emojis, then anything you say will be called out as "hostile" by some people.
Also, I've noticed many people ignore qualifiers in speech. If you use qualifiers thoughtfully, having them ignored by the reader can lead to miscommunication. I think the fact that so many people have used them without thought has led to a blindness for qualifiers. OTH, not including qualifiers can make us sound authoritative and even arrogant to some people.
For instance, in my first sentence, above, I said "Many readers...", and "...things like...", and "...by some people." If you ignore those qualifiers, what I said takes on a very different tone.
Can't win for losing.