this post was submitted on 29 Aug 2023
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I have an msi GE75 raider laptop. I have a powerful desktop, but I use my laptop when I travel away from home; roughly 3 months out of the year I'm using my laptop for gaming. It gets the job done for me, I'm able to play world of warcraft at a fairly high level without issue and it's been running acts 1 and 2 of Baldur's Gate decently. However, I wouldn't recommend it. I wish I could go back and get the Lenovo Legion I was looking at. I have no experience with a Legion, but everything I've read since purchasing the msi has made me regret it.
My msi has a TON of bloatware on it that I can't get rid of and it all slows the laptop down significantly on startup. It also likes to turn automatic updates for said bloatware back on, as well as make them run on startup if I've been allowed to turn them off. The keyboard is also garbage.