Since the '08 crash I have not been given a budget, I'm often denied teams and support, I'm treated like a prima donna when I suggest modernization. Much of the industry handed tech to bean counters and micromanagers over a decade ago.
Gone are the days where an Atari or IBM exec would just task a team or the team would present something they came up with ON THIER OWN. Now its all top down driven, because we all know committees make great software, movies, etc, etc, etc
Since the '08 crash I have not been given a budget, I'm often denied teams and support, I'm treated like a prima donna when I suggest modernization. Much of the industry handed tech to bean counters and micromanagers over a decade ago.
Gone are the days where an Atari or IBM exec would just task a team or the team would present something they came up with ON THIER OWN. Now its all top down driven, because we all know committees make great software, movies, etc, etc, etc