Comic Books

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A place to discuss comic books of all types, from old to new, Big 2 to indie, and everything in between.

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There is only one rule:*

Comic Books is a no judgement zone.

You can talk all you want about how Rob Liefeld is trash, Bob Kane is an asshole, or Frank Miller and Dave Sim’s politics have made them toxic, that’s all good.

If, however, another user is LEGITIMATELY a fan of something you don’t like, that does NOT make them a lesser person. Attack the art for being bad, not the person for being a fan of bad art.

* I lied. There are TWO rules... No piracy. Cover shots? That's good. Interior pages, in moderation? Sure. Full books? Links to pirate sites? That's how we get things shut down. :(

I'm not saying it's been a problem, because it hasn't been.

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founded 1 year ago

Lotus Land #5 - Been pretty good, almost over may as well finish it.

Man's Best #1 - Maybe, gonna flip through it. Pets in space.

Dawnrunner #1 - Ram V. All I know, but the cover looks intriguing and Ram V is good

Beneath The Trees Where Nobody Sees #4 - Perhaps my favorite book out right now, if you've been sleeping on this one check out the reprints or trade when it comes out.

Deer Editor #3 - Didn't see that twist coming, this is the last book in series.

That's it for me, what's on your list this week?


This week's list is up!

Let's see, I'm getting:

The Alternates #4 - Patton Oswalt's newest comic From the World of Minor Threats, his last (first?) comic. Not surprised I love his stuff since I have loved his stand up since 2005ish.

Op Sunshine #3 - the LPOTL guy's newest venture (also did Soul Plumber). This one is about vampires which usually gets a no from me but I like their writing and the art is great.

Batman City of Madness #2 - Cults and Eldritch Batman ("Batman Below" they called him). Count me in!

Wesley Dodds The Sandman #3 - digging the Noir vibes.

Junior Baker The Righteous Faker #4 - really strange, never read the one this is a sequel to but I'm digging it anyway so I guess who cares?

Faceless And The Family #2 - Really dig the art in this one, and issue #1 set up a good adventure story.

What's on your pull lists?


"The "official" title part was important in comics because, as noted in an ancient edition of Comic Book Legends Revealed, postal service laws required that, whenever a publication began a new volume, that it reapply for a new postal code for subscriptions, and, naturally, pay a new fee."


They went easy on me this week!

Primer #1 - I totally didn't used to write graffiti so I'm definitely not intrigued by the cover. We'll see, if she's more bomber than "street artist" I'll be picking this up.

Six Fingers #2 - I think I prefer The One Hand so far but it's really cool having both sides. The One Hand (Ram V) follows the detective, The Six Fingers (Other Guy) follows the murderer.

That's it! Thankfully, because next week might be kinda heavy. What're you pullin'?


Ed Piskor, for those who may not know, did the highly acclaimed Fantastic Four: Grand Design and X-Men: Grand Design books for Marvel.


I finished reading about Iron Man, but the book said something about comics from two other former companies that ultimately became the one we know well today, including the old and classic Captain America comics back then.

Does anybody know where I can read about this?

I use Hoopla, but they don’t have it and your answers may vary depending on your input.

I may also use Nook by Barnes & Noble.


I’m considering buying the 1994 Iron Man cartoon DVD and switching from Batman to Iron Man without thinking about the MCU instead.

I have a stigma towards the MCU for ruining the whole Marvel Comics universe by taking over as the dominant superhero franchise in general while having the worst film adaptations ever.

Pardon my sentiment, and never mind that we’ve discussed Marvel movies for a long time already, but I would like to enjoy the comics and classic characters instead of the modern ones that typically appear in movies and shows than just the comics and today I feel like trying something new but not only do I not enjoy movies that much, the sentiment from growing up on more movies than comics is what originally shied me away from reading Marvel comics to begin with.

Then again, the movies are based on comics anyway whether they are straight adaptations or entirely modernized and original movies with characters in-name only just to make money.

Films like Iron Man 3, Black Panther, and Avengers: Endgame are why I started watching less movies because they just didn’t appeal to me because superheroes were originally comic book characters and deserve to be represented properly and not be just flashy movie stars.

Even my parents agree the MCU, having inspired the rest of filmmaking in general (or at least Hollywood), has long overstayed its welcome and believe that Hollywood is losing money.

Here, I just want to read a good comic book.

This whole post is me explaining how I feel about reading a Marvel comic in general while comparing it to a film industry printing money.

Which would you guys rather support?

As for me, I feel like reading Iron Man for once.

I don’t know…what do you think?


Whooo big week, for me and the list in general. Let's see:

Blue Book 1947 #2 - Aliens, WWII, #1 was pretty good.

Batman Dylan Dog #1 - Don't know what it's about but I'll at least flip through it.

Westley Dodds Sandman #6 - The end of the line. Been pretty good for a superhero book.

Fishflies #5 - Fishflies has been great, guy shoots a kid, turns into a giant mayfly creature, on the run with a different kid escaping her abusive dad. Slow going, quarterly I think.

Napalm Lullaby #1 - "A child with unimaginable power is raised to believe he is God by a cult of zealots utterly confident in the moral authority of their religion. The Magnificent Leader has imposed his will on humanity and created the ultimate theocracy. Join them, or be cast out to suffer with the masses." Rick Remender of The Sacrificers, def giving this a shot even though I can't get into his "Low."

One Hand #2 - Ram V, digging the split thing with The Six Fingers.

Petrol Head #5 - Cheeky robots drive fast.

I Hate Fairyland #12 - Should I be paying attention to this one? I guess I'll browse through it and see.

What're you reading?

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

NOTE: Zatanna and Solomon Grundy both appear in Injustice: Gods Among Us as playable characters. I was playing them both tonight and would like to read about where they debuted.


This week's list is up!

Torpedo 1947 #1 - Seems Noir-ey, mob related. Gonna at least check it out

Calvin and Hobbes Portable Compendium - Not getting this but I do love C&H

Subgenre #4 - Weird multi-genre thing, it's alright, I'll finish it out.

Batman First Knight #1 - 1939 Batman? Why not?

That's it for me, looks like a small week. What're you reading?

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