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This is a community for discussion about this particular Lemmy instance.
News and updates about will be posted here, so if that's something that interests you, make sure to subscribe!
- Support requests belong in !support
- Only posts about topics directly related to are allowed
- If you don't have anything constructive to add, then do not post/comment here. Low effort memes, trolling, etc is not allowed.
- If you are from another instance, you may participate in discussions, but remain respectful. Realize that your comments will inevitably be associated with your instance by many users.
If you're a Discord user, you can also join our Discord server:
Discord is only a back-up channel, ! will always be the main place for communications.
If you need help with anything, please post in !support instead.
Welcome, new neighbours!
While checking out this wacky new space, I'd like to emcourage everyone to check out the Local tab, either at the top of your feed, or in your app menu. That's where yoi'll find posts from "communitues" (Lemmy's "subreddits") that are hosted on!
A lot of communities are on different sites, and are ported (tarriff free!) for your enjoyment, but as with most things, it seems, the most sustainable way forward is to support Local!
One thing that many people new to Lemmy and the wider "fediverse" (because it's not just people on Lemmy-based websites that you'll find posting in the communities here, surprisingly enough) struggle with is that each website on the network has its own "name space", meaning that each community name can be used on each site. So, you can have, say, !, !, and ! People often fret over "having to follow all of them", and wanting ways to collapse them into a single forum. And for a really niche topic, that might make sense (the thing to do, though, is just pick the one that best serves you and don't worry about what's going on on the other side of the fence). But for bigger topics, this "splintering" is often a godsend, since we can all have real discussions about the topic in smaller spaces. And, of course, !politics is going to just be meanibgfully different on .ca vs .ee vs .world.
If you look to local first, it becomes much easier to stop worrying and love the ~~bomb~~ distributed network.
the thing to do, though, is just pick the one that best serves you and donβt worry about whatβs going on on the other side of the fence
Not sure we have enough of a userbase and content posted to recommend that
It totally depends on how many people one needs in a community, and how much content they're posting to feel served, doesn't it?
The persistent FOMO that has floated around Lemmy for the past two years has not been a positive for the space.
Could u edit the post to teach the newcomers about community mentions ie !
Any chance of Alexandrite being available for Best lemmy interface imho.
Happy to be here, happier to see it grow!
For how long I have to wait until I can upload images for a community after my registration? Thx
That's why I couldn't upload images, the UI on mobile never gave me an error explaining this, it would be good to better make users aware of this.
4 weeks. In mean time you can use or Imgur. Or any other Image Hoster.
How can I use a link to set the community logo/banner?
It's possible but Lemmy UI don't have any option for that. For this you need ! with turned on Imgur Upload in setting. Upload Image and Banner as normal also work PFP.
Hello everyone. Just joined and getting used to the layout, coming from Reddit not much else.
If you're browsing on mobile, I can recommend the app Voyager for Lemmy or Thunder for Lemmy. I liked their layout the best from the few I tried.
Hey, welcome!
Check out some alternative UIs like and, they're really cool!
Great post !
That is a wonderful chart.
Congratulations. Great to see growth :)
Thanks for all the information!!