Tell me your life is focused on spreading discontent and hatred without telling me your life is focused on spreading discontent and hatred.
United States | News & Politics
There is no curse in any language known to man, beast, or processor-equipped machine to describe the withering fucking contempt I have for you and your entire lineage. I wish that your granddad would've worn a condom, or that your mother had swallowed; but since here we are, and this horrifying, monstrous take has inconvenienced so many electrons to get to me, I simply wish for the worst for you.
I hope you and everyone you care for have to live through the loss of the hegemon you've unjustly enjoyed. I hope you have to live through climate collapse. I hope you have to live knowing that the global hatred you will inevitably accrue will all be justified. I hope you live to know and understand why you are the ass of the joke, to every tongue in the world that has ever had a resource extracted from it by the Amerikan empire. And only after all of that do I hope you die nameless.
Some serious mental gymnastics going on here with goal posts mounted to a Bugatti.
All politicians seek to gain power and uphold the unjust, undemocratic, hierarchical power structures that constrain individual freedom -- power structures that are ultimately backed by the monopolization of violence through the police.
It's just that one party also wants to use those structures to surveil women's bodies, ban books, delegitimize science, push religion, and extract capital from natural resources and workers without restriction.
If you can't even draw the line at enabling a genocide, there's no point having a discussion with you.