Is Rick Scott a satirist? This can’t be serious
US News
News from within the empire - From a leftist perspective
As funny as it is, I would think the issue they are concerned about is slightly less silly than it seems. I would think that the worry is that the price of garlic from China can undercut the American grown garlic and if the whole industry would shift to Chinese garlic given the quality and low price, it would give a bit of power to China since shifting back to other sources of garlic if and when China decided to either block or hike the prices.I would think is something like that.
We should form a new party, the GCP, or Garlic Clove Party
This is one of the typical hypocrisies by the US to engage in the protectionist policies that they claimed to oppose against their free trade slogan. This is typical of Breton Woods institutions by the Western European diaspora that are supposed to support free trade, but demand protectionism in industries that poor countries have an advantage in.
But haven't you heard of the Chinese garlic slaves? Their poor fingers...
They are so deathly allergic you see.