His medical records have just been leaked in an effort to discredit him, other than that not much news.
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What amazes me is that medical records that mention PTSD don’t discredit anybody. If there is a real effort to discredit him, it seems pretty amateur. I doubt if all this turns out to be true that the perpetrators are amateurs.
I had a look. Yeah, it's transparent that they (whomever that may be in this case) did this one. But if anything PTSD makes me respect the guy way more.
US Congress is in recess, so we won't probably have any big news until the Senate hearings in September.
Other than that, I think the biggest news is that the Senate has sent the NDAA back to the house without objections on the UFO disclosure amendment. This amendment gives the US government the power to seize from private hands any materials, whether biological or not, that can be reasonably considered to be evidence of non-human intelligence. If al goes according to plan, this could become law by the end of this year.
no objections
That's kinda big news on its own isn't it?
Right? Like it seems this is a very bi-partisan effort that's moving surprisingly easy. What's the catch?
I agree too. I bet there is a catch.