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During the War of the Spanish Succession in 1707, a four thousand-man invasion force under the Habsburg Archduke, Charles, camped at the foot of the Pyrenees on their way to Spain, breaking camp the following morning and marching through a mountain pass. This well-armed and equipped force never reached its goal, nor was it ever accounted for.
From 1967 HUMANOID SIGHTING REPORTS Compiled by Albert Rosales
Location. Aveyron Basses Pyrenees France
Date: January 11 1967
Time: night
Having just seen a “shell” shaped object taking off from his farm, the witness proceeded to chase in his car a ball of light, which stayed 150 yards ahead of him. Then his engine died and his lights went out, and he noticed a “saucer shaped” object descending; it was slightly bigger than a Peugeot car, 9-12 ft above the ground and about 60 ft away. On top of this object were two transparent cupolas, in each of which he could see a helmeted figure, human like and dressed in green and white coveralls. He felt a wave of heat and a transient sensation of paralysis. With a whistling sound, the UFO rose to a 50 yard altitude, dropped back again to near ground level, then, becoming brilliantly yellow-white luminous, took off at tremendous speed. As it did so, his lights came back on and he was able to start the car normally. Several days later the witness experienced trouble in sleeping, followed by some weeks of excessive sleepiness. The area had been the site of repeated UFO incidents for a year.
From 1954 HUMANOID SIGHTING REPORTS Compiled by Albert Rosales
Location. Saint Etienne de Baigorry, Pyrenees Atlantique, France
Date: October 24 1954
Time: 1500
A shepherd guarding his flock at a peak called “Moumboa” located at about 800meters altitude reported seeing two “men” standing on the side opposite to him, looking around. At first he thought they were excursionists but he soon saw between them at about 50meters a craft shaped like a large shell, from three to four meters in diameter and of a little more than one meter in height. He did not dare to approach the object which was brown in color. In its center there was a cabin, and at the two ends he could distinguish a number of small propellers similar to pine cones. At the back end, the broadest end was a bent tripod. After a while, the two men approached the machine which they then placed upright on the tripod. The witness supposed that the machine was made out of some very light weight material or plastic. He says he did not notice any portholes. One of the men then opened a narrow door and both individuals disappeared into the cabin. Without any noise the two groups of propellers started to turn, but in opposite directions. The machine took off vertically at about 100 meters and then disappeared quickly towards the north. The two men were similar to humans, Caucasian, between 1.70-1.75m in height.
From The Healing Power of UFOs by Preston Dennett
According to UFO researchers, Jon Von Allon and Willie DeNard, in February 2009, a fantastic UFO contact took place at the Pyrenees Children's Hospital in Andorra, Spain. They interviewed fourteen doctors and staff members who told them that extraterrestrials appeared in the cancer ward of the hospital, where they performed cures on four children who were terminal and about to die.
"There is a pattern in these visits," Dr. Ruiz told investigators. "They always occur at 1:00 [a.m.], and the ETS always come in pairs and always heal with a touch to the forehead."
According to UFO researcher Diego Garcia, the Pyrenees have been a hot spot for UFO activity for many years.
From 1954 HUMANOID SIGHTING REPORTS Compiled by Albert Rosales
Zurbaran ate grilled meat, butter and cheese in the vehicle’s mess-room. He was told that the provisions were transported aboard the craft via telepathy (?). Unknown to Zurbaran, thousands of miles away, in the Pyrenees between Spain and France, Jaime Bordas a resident of the village of Castell, was engaged in a strange experience with a six-foot tall, overall wearing humanoid with long blond hair. The otherworldly being would only drink milk as its sole nourishment. (1951)
From Dimensions by Jacques Vallee
Two well-investigated cases have contained striking psychic elements. One took place in Aveyron, France, and the other one in Kansas. They support the five propositions mentioned above. On June 15, 1966, in Aveyron (a region of France situated near the mid-Pyrenees) a seventy-sixyear-old woman made the first in a long and fascinating series of sightings on an isolated farm. The farmhouse itself is old, with ten rooms whose windows face south and command an excellent view.
From the book Unearthly Disclosure by British UFO researcher Timothy Good
It is also of incidental interest to note some circumstantial evidence provided by the late Patrick Price, an exceptionally gifted psychic employed by a CIA contractor in the 1970s. According to Captain Frederick H. Atwater, a retired US Army officer also involved at the time in highly classified ‘remote viewing’ experiments for the CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency, as well as for the Army’s Intelligence and Security Command, Price had remotely viewed four alien bases on Earth, one of which was located under Mount Ziel, Northern Territory. Mount Ziel lies some 80 miles west-northwest of Pine Gap. Price believed the base contained a mixture of ‘personnel’ from the other bases, one purpose being to ‘transport new recruits, with an overall monitoring function’. The other bases were said to be under Mount Perdido in the Pyrenees, Mount Inyangani in Zimbabwe, and, coincidentally, in Alaska, under Mount Hayes. Price described the occupants as ‘looking like homo sapiens, except for the lungs, heart, blood and eyes’.
From the book Alien Interview by Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy:
"Earth started being used a dumping ground and prison for [aliens] who were judged "untouchable", meaning criminal or non-conformists. [Aliens] were captured, encapsulated in electronic traps and transported to Earth from various parts of the "Old Empire". Underground "amnesia stations" were set up on Mars and on Earth in the Rwenzori Mountains in Africa, in the Pyrenees Mountains of Portugal, and in steppes of Mongolia.