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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/Mundane-Inevitable-5 on 2024-11-15 12:51:40+00:00.
As a user kindly pointed out on another thread the latin phrase on the bottom of the missing 12th document of the Schellenburger submission to congress means, KNOWLEDGE PROVEN BY FIRE, TRUTH THROUGH FAITH. I noticed a pretty wild coincidence and thought this deserved its own thread.
So there was a video uploaded six days ago on the renowned and much loved, eyes on cinema YouTube channel, called the Betty Andreasson alien abduction incident in south Ashburnham Massachusetts, which happened in 1967.
The audio of the lady recounting her story is from 1979 I think. Around 1:20 into the video she says that in her encounter with the beings, they said they needed her to provide them with KNOWLEDGE TRIED BY FIRE. To which her response was to give them a copy of the bible. Obviously this is essentially the same thing said at the end of the Schellenburger document in Latin.
Now personally I'm not religious in the slightest, but I am very interested in the religious aspect as it relates to the lore (for lack of a better word) around this topic. Chris Bledsloe's story, the alleged Collins Elite group operating within the American deep state, that believe this phenomenon to be demonic in nature and most importantly in this instance I think, the Rosicrucian element attached to some pretty prominent figures in the field, such as Hynek, Vallee and many of the others associated with the invisible college.
The coincidence brought up some interesting questions for me. Firstly Is this immaculate constellation leaked info related to the Rosicrucian element somehow? Strangely in an interview released just yesterday on Jesse Michels channel with Schellenburger, he made a point of emphasising that he'd rekindled his Christian faith recently. Maybe not relevant, but an interesting side note.
Is the channel eyes on cinema linked to the Rosicrucians and by that I really mean Vallee somehow? The reason I ask that is because, It's a pretty mysterious channel as far as I can tell, I have no idea who owns it, but they seem to have every UFO related piece of media known to man archived somewhere and it has been noted publicly by the likes of Pasulka and Nolan, that Vallee has insane amounts of archived information on the topic. I again come back to the timing of the coincidence of the upload of an obscure video with an abductee in the 1970's sighting the phrase, knowledge tested by fire that just a week later would appear on a document submitted to congress. Is it a bread crumb somebody wanted people to find?
This leads to further questions and I may lose some people, but hear me out. Was Betty Andreassons abduction experience linked in some way to the Rosicrucians? Sounds outlandish, but consider the following.
There's a school of thought, deep down the rabbithole, that at least some of this phenomenon is essentially part of what amounts to a Rosicrucian grand plan to bring about a new spiritual age in the material world, by influencing the collective thought of the masses i.e that some or all of this phenomenon is being carefully and deliberately staged by this order, to slowly and organically shift human consciousness into believing it's something it's not.
Vallee has talked about it pretty openly in his books, stopping short of actually attributing it to his own order the Rosicrucians. For those unfamiliar with his work, in short essentially he theorises, that given the absurd nature of the phenomenon, what it may be is some sort of deception, a control system, designed to make us think that this is Aliens from another planet visiting us for whatever reasons, but actually it's not at all, it's a completely different form of intelligence that is somehow staging this, because it wants us to think that, for the purpose of influencing our collective consciousness.
The strange thing is the idea of influencing collective consciousness however is very much part of the Rosicrucian belief system. Again I'm greatly simplifying here, but it's my understanding that the central belief system of the Rosicrucians is that the reality in which we currently reside, is itself a deception, a hologram if you will. They believe there is a true reality that lies within a higher plane of existence and the way for humanity to reach it, is with a collective shift in our consciousness and their goal is to subtly influence hummanity into this shift in consciousness.
Now I have to credit this to an English guy I saw talk about it in a video the other day. On a youtube channel called project Unity, in a video titled, this old UFO case has shocking new revelations, the researchers name (although I don't think it was his channel) was Jean-Luc (as far as I can remember anyway, he said something about his mother being French, but he had an English accent)
In the video he talks about the famous Lonnie Zamora case and the symbolism as described by Zamora that appeared on the side of the landed craft that he saw and how it was supposedly changed from Zamoras original description of it in his testimony, to something else when it was later entered into the files of project Blue Book and of course the person who changed it, was none other than Rosicrucian J Allen Hynek.
What it was changed to in Blue Book and apparently you can see this in the offical artists renditions in the files from Blue Book, is a symbol that was taken from what was essentially a Beligian cult in the 1930's called FUDOSI, that sought to merge all the Christian and Jewish mystic and occultist sects under one umbrella and a unified belief system. Subsequently they failed in this, but it's interesting to note, a very prominent sect of this form of occult mysticism dervied from gnosticism is of of course Rosicrucianism and the order of the Golden Dawn.
Which is interesting in that I think it at least shows that for whatever reason Hynek at least was being influenced by his own belief system when approaching his work in the UFO subject. Why he'd change a symbol in an official record of a UFO case in a Government log to a symbol used by a 1930's religious cult that just so happened to be related to the Religious order he was a follower of, well your guess is as good as mine.
Now I'm not smart enough to connect all this myself and I suppose I don't have much of a coherent point here, but sparked by the original coincidence (or maybe delibarate connection) it just sent my mind down this rabbit hole and I wanted to put it out there in the hopes that someone else can take it further.
I don't exactly know what it is, but my gut feeling is that there really is something there with all this occult mysticism as it relates to this subject. Not that the phenomenon itself is related to it necessarily, although it could be, but more that people deeply inbeded within this field, the gatekeepers essentially or at least groups within are of the belief that the phenomenon is related to this, or they know it for a fact, or they want the public to believe it for some reason. Again your guess is as good as mine.
Thanks for reading my ramblings anyway.