Nah then gmail is good enough.
Any recommendations for free email providers?
Sorry if this is not the place, but I've seen that pretty much all games from gog-games get flagged by the same vendor, I suppose that is a false positive?
Or is that website not recommend anymore?
I bought the whole AC collection for less than $60, I was excited because I liked Assassin's Creed... I still do, at least the first ones.
But soon after I bought it they came up with the bright idea of removing DLC content from games, this was about 2 years ago.
I pirated my entire library, I still regret giving them money.
I've honestly just watched the content of his 1st channel, I had no idea he had another one.
TIL that some smart asses think of him as "alt-right"
I'm kinda tired of american "democrats" labeling anything they don't like as literal nazis.
That's getting old
just use Firefox with ublock bro can't go wrong
Not all but most are terrible.
I'm currently having fun with Mario Kart Tour
I was logged out again and I thought my account had been hijacked.
What a spook I got
Soy de region... prefiero que me maten en una encerrona a irme a vivir a santiago.
Ah pero espera, si me voy a vivir a santiago puede que me pase eso mismo.
El tema es que la gente es weona y no sabe lo que son sus libertades.
De seguro creen que significa toque de queda.
Confirmo porque soy weon