
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 6 days ago

Thanks for the input.

When I use vite + preact + tailwindcss, I can make a simple webpage that loads correctly. I spoke with Cesanta and they also use Preact+TailwindCSS, this is how I knew what to look for at the beginning.

It is when I start to add things to the Webpage that it starts to fail randomly. Removing the code that cause the crash sometimes fix the issue, other times not. It is hard for me to pinpoint what is causing the issue. My guess is that it's probably something that I do creates the issue.

Right now, I restarted a simple webpage with Preact+TailwindCSS and I will stick to these two libraries and see if the issues still appear. That will limit the number of libraries that can cause issues.

[–] 2 points 6 days ago

I didn't think about that. I could create a small program that takes my packed_fs and test it against mongoose webserver. So at the very least, I could test it right away.

That would give me the certitude that the packed_fs is functional and could help me pinpoint the issue.


[–] 6 points 6 days ago

The issue is not the moment you lived, it's how you wrote the whole thing. We know that teenagers are chock-full of hormones and sometime think and do weird things, but that is not the issue here.

[–] 2 points 6 days ago

A lot of web browsers use chromium, which is the chrome engine. So anything that they want to add from the new manifest will eventually be added the engine. Firefox had a different engine, so they were not affected by the new manifest. However, they will sell our data from now on, so the Firefox engine is also not a choice anymore.

So that leaves not a lot of options.

[–] -1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I cannot share the code unfortunately as this is for a start-up and there is already some identifiable info in the code. The repo is private.

However, Cesanta provides a lot of examples in their repo Mongoose Library. Cesanta uses a dual license, GPL for anyone to use, or Closed Source if you pay for it. They support a lot of mcu families.

They also released a Wizard to create a simple interface through their web app. Check them out.

Edit: I forgot about the initial point. Thanks for the info. I am used to my tools, but webdev is a lot more open-ended, so I got lost pretty hard. I had a lot of libraries in my project, so I'm gonna try to recreate the basic element with Vite.js and Tailwind.css only to limit the number of libraries I depend on, as to limit the error potential.

[–] 0 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (2 children)

This is a board with limited ressource (2MB of flash, 512k of RAM). When I say embedded, I mean an mcu soldered to the PCB. So docker is a no go. So the only way I can test my webpage on the embedded device is to pack it with the mongoose packer and try it.

So my setup right now is that I use my laptop as a development machine and the target platform is an Arm M4. So I pack the webpage , which gives me a c file, that I then compile with a crosscompiler and put on my devkit.

Edit: and I agree that there is most probably an issue with the packer, but I cannot remove the packer from the equation, so this is why I am looking for a more barebone solution.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago

I will check it out, thanks



I am currently trying to implement a webserver on an embedded STM32F439 using the Mongoose library and Preact (3kB React equivalent made especially for embedded solutions).

My speciality is in embedded development and my web dev experience is next to nil, so I have a hard time finding a solution for my problem.

Right now, I tried to use Preact + Vite.js, but it seems to be causing issues when packing my webpage into my embedded system.

The workflow I am using right now is as follows:

  1. Create a webpage with Preact/TailwindCSS in jsx and build the page with npm run build. If I run npm run dev or start a http server with python3, the webpage loads properly.

  2. For Mongoose Library, since I don't have a file system, I use their packing utility which takes the webpage files and convert them into a C array that can then be unpacked by the Mongoose Library at runtime.

  3. Start the embedded server, get an IP and the server is online. At that point, I can customize my paths to show whatever I want and fetch embedded resources. The issue happens here. As I add more elements to my webpage, eventually, it stops working. It produces a range of issues (403 forbidden, illegal characters for example).

Preact+Vite.js is definitely creating some issue here with the embedded dev environnement, so I would like to explore more "barebone" options where I have more control over what is bundled and how it is bundled. It really feels like Preact+Vite.js is obfuscated a lot when bundling all the files together, and I would like to have more control over that part so that I can learn a little bit about the workflow of the bundling.

So my question is as follow : what other dev environnement do you recommend knowing that the webpage is packed in a C array and then runs on an embedded system with no file system?


[–] 6 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Do they have their own engine?

[–] 46 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I think I became an incel reading that.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago

Weekend at Crook's : one thumb up

[–] 0 points 1 week ago

Cubicles farm are worst than high school. There is an ever ongoing political tug of war for pretty much every little fucking detail, and someone is always trying to tell you that you do your job wrong

Multinational companies are even worst because you have to fight off the other offices trying to meddle with your office to get what they want.

And then, when someone breaks because of the constant bickering, people come and tell them they are wrong for breaking.

Your whole post is a prime example of that.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

Any sane person would think like you, but if the shooter was a registered democrat, you know that the GOP would have used that as well to accuse Biden even more.



a few weeks ago I started my training journey and I am still training, which is a record for me. I'm finishing my first cycle this week and next week and I am planning the next cycle. However, I have a lot of questions and need some help.


I am a 37 yo male that did a lot of sports when I was in my teens/early 20s, but I became sedentary and my diet was shit. I had my second child in October and from October to end of December, I lost 25lbs by changing my diet which motivated me to start training.

On Youtube, I found Jeff Nippard and Renaissance Periodization which gave me a lot of information on how to change my diet (which is ongoing still, but since the end of December, I lost another 5 lbs without trying) and also a lot of information on how to train. And that is how I started weight lifting.

I have two young kids, so it was important to me that I could train at home with minimal equipment, and that is why I bought the Dumbbells only 3 days training from Renaissance Periodization. I only had to buy a set of 10lbs dumbbells (already had 5lbs) and I could start working out.

I wasn't able to properly finish the whole cycle (I'll describe why later), but I am still very proud of what I accomplished. I worked out when sleep wasn't great (won't be for a while with a 3 months old), even if time was short, or if the motivation wasn't there to begin with. I stuck with the training and diet changes, and my body started changing and it was/is a great motivator to continue.

Since I did a lot of sports that require leg muscles (Volley-Ball and Soccer), my legs are a lot stronger than my arms and my core is decent.

Training Program

The Renaissance Periodization 3 day trainings with dumbbells only is as follows : Each day is 3 exercices + 3 SuperSets of 2 exercices. 1 or 2 days rest between each Day to make sure that the body is completely healed and ready for training.

The program is a 6-weeks program. The first week is 2x sets of myo reps (5-30 reps). Each week, a new set is added. Week 6 (the last week) is deload week, so only 1 set.

Day 1:

  • Medium Push-ups
  • Chair Shoulder Press
  • Upright rows
  • One-arm rows / Goblet Squat
  • Alternating Curls / Stiff-Legged DeadLift
  • Crunches with top hold / Sumo DeadLift

Day 2:

  • High Bent Rows
  • Supinating Curls
  • Paused Side Raises
  • Reaching Sit-ups / Double-legged Glute Bridges
  • Two-arm standing extensions / Sumo Stiff-Legged DeadLift
  • Narrow Push-ups / Sumo Squats (shoulder rack)

Day 3:

  • Bent Upright rows
  • Sumo Squats (shoulder racks)
  • Good Mornings
  • Forward Lunges in place / Slow down reaching situps
  • Hammer Curls / Two-Arm standing extension
  • Medium Push-ups / Elbows Out bent row

My issues with the program

  1. This week was my week 4 of the program and I hit a big wall. I started strong in my two last training, but halfway through the training, I was out of energy. The compound exercices + the number of sets killed me. The progression is too much for me, so I will be deloading a week sooner because I won't be able to do more progression next week. So the program gets too tough for a newbie like me, especially considering that my sleep is not great with young kids. My strength grew a lot during this cycle, but my systemic fatigue is really high right now.

  2. Since my legs are stronger, I can do more reps/load, but it also means that it needs more time to heal. My legs are the limiting factor in the frequency of the trainings because they always take 2 days to heal, while my arms are usually good to go after a day of rest. I was hoping to do 3 trainings a week, but it was 3 trainings every 9 days because I had to take 2 days of rest between

  3. Lots of compound exercices, which sometimes limited my reps for other exercices. For example, on day 2, after the supinating curls and Side raises, my arms are dead. So when I do the Reaching sit-ups, I am limited by my ability to raise the weights over my head. I have to stop because my arms can't hold the weight anymore, not because my abs are grilled. Same thing on Day 3 with the push in the last SuperSet. My arms are done, so I can't do a lot of push-ups.

Why I need help

I would like to start a fat loss phase soon, and I would like a sustainable training program to accompany that fat loss phase.

I plan on doing a 6 weeks phase, so I would like a 6 weeks program that will end on week 7 with a deload. The current program doesn't work for me, because of the reasons above

What equipment do I have?

  • 5lbs, 10lbs and adjustable up to 20lbs dumbbels
  • I bought a workout bench, without a barbell rack
  • Pull-up door bar.
  • Gym rings
  • Movable dip bars

What exercices I don't like in the current program

  • One arm rows : They feel extremly awkward. I tried different variations, they always feel out of place.

  • Reaching Sit-ups with heavy arms : As I mentionned above, the limiting factor in the current program for this exercises is my arm fatigue.

  • Push-up is fine, but every workout, with two days where the exercise is in the last SuperSet, it takes its toll

What kind of help do I need?

I would like to start from the program I already have, and modify it to fit my needs. I would like to put emphasis on my arms and on my core.

I would like to add exercises to build my strength to do pull-ups.

I would like to remove the pain points that I have of the current program and mix straight sets with myo reps. I am open to also try myo matchs.

I would like my weight training days to be Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The weekend is always chaos, and that way, I can have 2 days to heal on the week-end, and go harder on fridays.


So this is why I came here to post. My first thought was to remove the exercises I don't like, and replace them with other exercises. However, I don't know how to reorganise the sets and progression to reach my goal.

I was thinking of keeping one or two SuperSets per training days and separate the other supersets into single exercises.

I was also thinking of keeping the myoreps for the arms and core exercises and going straight sets for legs exercises.

The only thing I know for sure is that I don't want to keep the one-arm rows in the program.

Thank you for reading, and thank you for your help.



I am looking for a place where I can find alternative exercises of my training plan.

I am slowly planning my next workout cycle and I would like to replace some exercises that I don't like.

And I would also like to learn what muscles the exercises on plan actually do. I know the targetted muscle, but I would also like to know the secondary muscles that are worked as well.




I made the leap 2 weeks ago to start resistance training and be in better health overall.

I lost 25 pounds since October and it motivated me to start training as well. So here I am.

I bought the Renaissance Periodization 3 days full body workout with dumbbells only to start my journey. I have young kids, so starting at home is giving me the best chance to stick to a program.

With that said, over the 2 weeks, a few questions popped up and I don't know the terminology well enough to answer them and my google skills weren't good enough, so I am trying my luck here.

  1. I have been sedentary for a long while, even though I did a lot of sport when I was younger. Mainly competitive volley ball, so my legs are decently strong still, but my upper body, not so much. For many upper body exercises I do, it feels like my strength is really uneven, and different muscles are activated, though I make sure that the targeted muscle for the exercise is activated too. Should I stick to the same weight I use if I can reach the targeted reps with good technique (to the best of my knowledge)? Or should I drop the weight a little bit until I am strong enough?

  2. The program calls for myo reps. Each week, a new set is added. For each exercise, the target is between 5-30 reps. Does that mean that I should target at least 5 reps for each sets? Or if I do, let's say, 7-5-3 reps, is that good enough? Should I drop down some dumbbells weight until I can do all the sets to at least 5 reps? For push ups particularly, I don't use a dumbbell, so I could switch to knee push ups, but my first two sets are over 5 reps, but the subsequent sets are under 5.

  3. Today while training, I ramped up intensity a little bit and really pushed myself more than before. For certain exercises, even though my targeted muscle wasn't burning and feeling exhausted, I couldn't do more reps and the overall part that was trained was shaky after the set.

For example, I did some sumo squats. It didn't feel like my quads were toasted, but I could not push more and my legs really started to shake (it went away after a bit of rest). Is that a good/okay thing? Or does that mean I pushed myself too much and other parts of my legs weren't strong enough for what I tried? After my training, it felt like my knees worked a lot, so I think this is what limited my sumo squats.

I am aware that other muscles are solicited when doing an exercise, but I feel like the targeted muscle should do most of the work.

Thank you for your time.



I installed Ubuntu a few months ago on my work laptop and I've been running and loving it since.

However, I am used to VsCode, so this is what I am using in Ubuntu as well.

So I am curious, what kind of coding so you do? And what is your workflow.

I am an embedded firware developper and mainly use C. I am cross compiling my code in VsCode for a FPGA from Xilinx (dual core arm + PL)

Never dove into make files and cmake more than what I needed in the past, but I had an opportunity to learn CMake and build a project from it.

So my workflow is :

  1. Code in VsCode
  2. Build in CMake
  3. Transfer the app through scp on the target with a custom script (target is running petalinux, which is yocto + Xilinx recipes)
  4. Use gdb server to debug the code.

It's a pretty simple workflow, but I'd like to know what you guys are running so that I can maybe upgrade my workflow.

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