
joined 1 year ago
[–] 15 points 8 months ago

Surrendering control of your value chain increases profits how exactly? These illegal taxi companies are neither cheaper nor more efficient than bespoke delivery personnel even if you do the thing where you pretend they wont monopsonize and charge your business fuckloads for the "privilege" of using their service-- which they will.

Pizzas have a thermally unfortunate form factors, and the illegal taxi companies have almost always had worse delivery times. It's just a loss for everybody who isn't a capitalist.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago

Please read on the rent of the land by Smith, and anything by Henry George.

You appear to be advocating for anarchist concepts of free association and contract theory, but I've seen no specific citations. Are there any you'd reccomend?

[–] 0 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Landlord stans havent read Smith after a 200 year head start, what makes you think they will read anything?

[–] 3 points 8 months ago

Look at these fucking comments around us, it's clearly neccesary.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

Risk doesn' t create value, what the heck are you talking about? I'll spin a revolver with a single round in it and fire, what fictional wizard signs my check?

Renters are the real ones at risk, being forced by an entire class of sociopaths acting in solidarity to parisitize their wealth. In a disagreement, landlords can commit asymmetric harm with impunity because legal defenses require capital, which the renting class lacks by definition.

Your "good" landlord only appears to be so because of the ubiquity of normal landlords. The handyman needed to help you that day cost pennies compared to what rent seekers steal, thats why they call it "passive income." In this case, you are describing work performed by a property manager, not a landlord, that created value to you. The landlord performed that managerial labor, and still pocketed disproportionally more value than he provided, because his earnings come from ownership, not from labor.

If its cheaper to rent than buy, why do landlords do it? Out of the goodness of their shiny little hearts? Thank you my lord for saving me from myself.

Landlords do not create housing. They destroy housing by turning what would have been a sold unit of housing into a rented unit of housing. They are directly incentivised to keep housing scarce.

[–] 3 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Landlords out here in lemmy dot marxist lenninists comments deadass pretending their right to steal wealth is more important than ones fundamental human right to housing.

Let this be your reminder that "Landlords" do nothing of value. Anytime they claim they are, they are doing the work of an occupation that possibly does, like an electrician or developer or architect or carpenter or handyman or painter or realtor. Ticket scalpers don't create tickets. Don't let these antisocial freaks rewrite the dictionary, or excuse their own refusal to read anything about their own behavior.

If they try to cosplay as a pitiable person who only owns a house and doesn't want to be broke, tell them that their victims don't want that either, and only the landlord hates working for a living more than they hate parasitizing the wealth others. Their "ethical and reasonable" rent seeking is enabled by the threat of violence from the other "unreasonable" rent seekers, therefore acting as a single unified class.

They could have sold their houses to profit, but that's not enough for them. They must do their part to squeeze every drop of blood from that soil so that they don't accidentally decomodify housing even slightly by providing their smidge of housing to the captive market.

Read On The Rent of the Land. Fuckers.

[–] 0 points 9 months ago

Straw man go brrr.

[–] -3 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (2 children)

Inb4 neoliberal pissdrinking "economists" start claiming a lack of theoretical foundation for opposing the interests of the rent seeking class.

Read Smith, you charlatans.

[–] 110 points 9 months ago (9 children)

It been fucking hillarious seeing people doubletalk California demographics.

"Everybody keeps leaving California because the cost of rent and housing keeps going up!" which feels true but like...

It has big "Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded" energy.

[–] 11 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Youre looking for Bismuth, the technical speedrun communicator. Hes perfect in everyway.

Also theres Tomatoanus, also speedrun comminicator, excellent work.

Isaac Arthur is a futurist I like for this, hell give you wonderful dreams.

3blueonebrowns visual communicatio style is excellent but ive fallen asleep to his videos tons of times.

Chyrosan22 has the voice of God and he reviews mechanical keyboards, absolutely love it

Donoteat01, justin rosczknyaiacs channel, has perfect shit in his Power Planning and Politics series, hypnotic, funny, and entrancing

Drachinifel is a naval historiographer whos excellent, highly reccomend his video on the second pacific sauadron

Emplemon also has some excellent content

Food Wishes is chef johns youtube channel and he has a very unique way if talking that i love

Hypohystericalhistory has excellent longform documentaries about warstuff

Hope thats enough thats off the top of my head and is through H of my subscriptions lol

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