
joined 1 year ago
[–] wolf@lemmy.zip 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I wish the thing about tags was ironic

Concerning the rest of your points: Icons are one of the few things I never had an issue with in Gnome. ;-)

Concerning automated setups, the only system I care fore is Linux and am forced to use macOS. For my use cases, I don't care about the tooling/possibilities for companies to install crap on my machine (my company does that). Using Ansible to automate my setup for macOS is theoretically possible, but such a crappy experience compared to Linux, that I don't bother. Not to mention no unified installation/update system on macOS and the shitty default apps like Finder, Window management etc. The solution which sucks the least for me is using macOS as dump VPN driver for my virtual Linux box, so I can get shit done.

... no need to argue about bad Gnome defaults, it is trivial to disable all animations and the shell is fast enough even on my netbook. :-)

[–] wolf@lemmy.zip 3 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (3 children)

Wait - Gnome user here (heavily modified and with multiple extensions) ...

macOS window management and trying to using it via keyboard is a totally miserable experience (forced to use it at work :-/ ) ... at the same time, Apple thinks their users are smart enough to use tags, while Gnome developers think the user are too dump to use tags. I still happily prefer Gnome over macOS on my desktop for literally everything, macOS has no proper software management, all apps try to up-sell me on their shitty i-cloud offerings, setup cannot be properly automated, the 'auto features' totally suck and do everything I do not want them to do and macOS feels too slow for the hardware it runs on...

Gnome sucks, but it sucks less for me than all other alternatives on the desktop at the moment...

My biggest reason to stick with Gnome are Wayland, Evolution/Online Accounts and that I can automatically configure Gnome to something usable with dconf/gsettings. I am not holding my breath that KDE ever gets their KMail story under control, stability as in zero crashes and being fully configurable via Ansible. The very moment this happens, I'll happily jump ship. (Of course also waiting for Wayland support for Xfce :-P)

[–] wolf@lemmy.zip 6 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (1 children)

It sounds really strange, that you end up with the problems you described given your usage.

My systems are heavily modified/tweaked, so one would expect I would experience the problems you describe.

Given your usage, using an immutable distro sounds like a no-brainer to me, immutable Linux was created with your usage scenarios in mind.

In your shoes I would still try to pin point the root cause of the error, because in theory(TM) your usage should not be a problem for any of the mainstream Linux distros and we don't know if an immutable distro solves your trouble.

Given your 6 montish circle it sounds like some kind of accumulation? If the computer runs stable for several month, IMHO you can rule out hardware problems, unless you have a kernel update every 6 months... :-P

Can you be more specific about your hardware, laptop model and Ubuntu version you are using?

If you ever figure out what happened, or if you try out an immutable distro and it runs for a year for you, give us an update! :-)

[–] wolf@lemmy.zip 14 points 6 days ago (6 children)

IMHO you should first figure out what exactly happens/goes wrong with your Ubuntu installations.

Immutable distros might or might not be a solution, but if the core of the problem is really the quality of the Ubuntu updates for example, you could try to run Debian (stable).

But again, the suggestion to use Debian is throwing a solution in the room which might not fit your problem.

Just as a reference point: I am running Debian stable on Laptops, Netbooks, Raspberry Pis and in virtual machines (AMD64/AArch64) and have no weird bugs, everything works for years now and runs smooth.

Concerning the Steamdeck... I love them, they run perfectly fine, but unless you are tweaking them/do more than run games, you cannot really compare them to what happens on your desktop.

[–] wolf@lemmy.zip 0 points 1 week ago

Vivaldi is a great Blink-engine based browser, my fallback in cases Firefox fails to render a page I really need.

Outstanding are the official flatpaks for amd64 and Aarch64.

(I do not understand why it is impossible for Mozilla to provide an official Aarch64 flatpak.)


Interesting times ahead! I am really looking forward to the Leap Micro release and hope it advances the state of the art. :-)

[–] wolf@lemmy.zip 1 points 2 weeks ago

Awesome, @hades@hades@lemm.ee . Thank you so much for pointing me in the right direction! :-)

[–] wolf@lemmy.zip 1 points 2 weeks ago

Tried GIMP, Firefox and Chrome - does not work.

[–] wolf@lemmy.zip 1 points 2 weeks ago

Thanks for your suggestions, added the output to the original question!


Solved: The files are encrypted, see stackoverflow

Hope it is ok to ask technical questions in this channel!

I found a folder of files on one of my back drives which was copied from a very old Sony Ericson cell phone or a SAMSUNG Galaxy S2.

The folder is called DCIM and in a sub folder called Camera there are files with a .jpg extension.

This files are not standard JPG files. They start with the following header:

0000000 0000 0000 3900 c0d8 ac5f d196 2d63 2421
0000010 0003 0200 0000 0010 0200 2d8c 0904 0103
0000020 0000 0000 0000 0000 e960 2861 7025 ba0e
0000030 2424 dcfa 3e3b ee64 0800 c87b a43a a90d
0000040 7287 b815 7ca4 9680 ed65 6216 5f08 4f43
0000050 534e 4c4f 0045 0000 9000 b3e9 1333 92b9
0000060 0002 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000070 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

And the last bytes look like this:

039fea0 60ff 01fa 6b1e 8ef5 7c6f e69f fd9e 1589
039fef0 2199 dbd9 13fe 337d 2e9f d862 e252 080d

(obtained via hexdump -n 1024 filename.jpg).

The file command just returns 'data'.

The jpgrecovery command simply does not process this files.

The strings command finds an embedded string "_CONSOLE" !

If I open the file in a file viewer (shotwell, GIMP, Firefox, Google Chrome), I get the error that the file starts with 0 0, which is correct, as seen in the above hexdump.

Using identify from the imagemagick package results in:

20140207_142030.jpg JPG 0x0 16-bit sRGB 3.625MiB 0.000u 0:00.002
identify-im6.q16: Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x00 0x00 `20140207_142030.jpg' @ error/jpeg.c/JPEGErrorHandler/338.

All this commands were executed on Debian 12.

I have hundreds of files with this JPG extension and for each file the header is starting with 0 0 in this folder, so I assume the problem is not corruption of one file.

My questions:

  1. What kind of file format is this?
  2. How can I convert the files to JPGs?

Edit: Added the output of some suggested data/commands to questions Edit: Mark as solved, thanks to @hades@hades@lemm.ee .

Thanks a lot to everyone helping to figure this out/pointing me in the right direction! <3

[–] wolf@lemmy.zip 14 points 2 weeks ago

Thanks for your answer, I guess fair enough. ;-)

Good luck for your survey!

[–] wolf@lemmy.zip 15 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Sorry, but how are a lot of the questions relevant for this community?

Especially concerning the (family) income, age, being neurodivergent etc. These are sensitive information and seem more fitting for a market survey/selling ads.

What is your goal with the answers? What are your research questions? How will the answers help this community?

[–] wolf@lemmy.zip 2 points 1 month ago

Because we are men/gals of culture! :-P Hadouken! ;-)

[–] wolf@lemmy.zip 6 points 1 month ago

Nice, I love Yakuza, really very special in the world of gaming! :-)


When watching movies, I always try to differentiate between my personal enjoyment and the inherent merits of the movies. There are a lot of bad movies, which I totally and thoroughly enjoy watching, and some really great movies, which I don't enjoy that much, but still can respect/appreciate.

With this prelude, I totally do not get the positive reactions to Denis Villeneuve's Dune movies. At the time I am writing this question, part two has 94% critique and 95% audience score at Rotten Tomatoes, 9.0 at IMDB.

In my opinion, Dune 1 and Dune 2 have obviously high production values and good special effects. What I do not like is the acting, the pacing, the total flat/simple characters and the whole narration, which is for me a trivial love story between Chani and Paul, plus becoming a leader and get some revenge. I could simply replace the 'Dune' theme with a standard war theme and a few tribes, and I would have exactly the same movie. Also the battle scenes at the end of part 2, they are for me totally cookie cutter war movie/battle aesthetics. (Total waste: There are big Sandworms after all, and combat with personal shields etc.).

My question is, especially if you very much enjoyed watching the Dune movies:

  • Why did you personally enjoy the movie?
  • Do you think this movies have some inherent merits?
  • How do you like the acting/plot/pacing?

I am not a member of the Anti-Snap crowd (although of course the server sources should be open source), but there is obviously a lot to improve. Flathub/Flatpak should also take note!


There is a similar question on the site which must not be named.

My question still has a little different spin:

It seems to me that one of the biggest selling points of Nix is basically infrastructure as code. (Of course being immutable etc. is nice by itself.)

I wonder now, how big the delta is for people like me: All my desktops/servers are based on Debian stable with heavy customization, but 100% automated via Ansible. It seems to me, that a lot of the vocal Nix user (fans) switched from a pet desktop and discover IaC via Nix, and that they are in the end raving about IaC (which Nix might or might not be a good vehicle for).

When I gave Silverblue a try, I totally loved it, but then to configure it for my needs, I basically would have needed to configure the host system, some containers and overlays to replicate my Debian setup, so for me it seemed like too much effort to arrive nearly at where I started. (And of course I can use distrobox/podman and have containerized environments on Debian w/o trouble.)

Am I missing something?


Nice to have common name for Silverblue and co.

Although I am running Debian on all my boxes, I am happy about this new direction for Linux desktops and have high hopes I can eventually jump ship to Silverblue or Kinoite.


Surprisingly often I see guys in the gym, which have a totally jacked/trained upper body but untrained legs.

The first times I saw a guy like this, I assumed perhaps there are some medical reasons to not train the legs, but by now I saw too many guys like this, even sometimes in a group, for explaining this.

These guys know obviously how to train and I just wonder why you would invest so much time/energy in your upper body w/o doing a minimum for your legs. It also seems not too functional; what good is your upper body strength in real life if you cannot use it for lifting something heavy, because your legs are too fragile? Further, it looks very unbalanced to my eyes and usually the stars/models have a more balanced look, so I don't even understand where these people get the inspiration/trend.


I almost always read in the news/press that dentists recommend to brush teeth two times a day for 2-3 minutes.

This drives me crazy, because it does not make sense; The point for dental health is to systematical clean every surface of your teeth twice a day (and use inter-dental brushes/floss once a day). For me, brushing my teeth takes around 6 minutes, if I hurry up. For someone faster it might be possible in 1 minute.

So, why do dentists always give the 2-3 minutes recommendation?


Recently I stumbled over an article, about how to customize your shell prompt. What really surprised me, is that it lacked one of the most basic tips I learned nearly 20 years back: Always display a timestamp in the prompt, to be able to check how long a process is running or when it ended. (Don't need it daily, but every so often it saves my butt. ;-)) The other trick is to always have a colorful prompt, to easily discern where output from programs start/stop. In total my PS1 looks like this (with GIT status at the end): [\e[32m]\u[\e[m]@[\e[35m]\h[\e[m] [\e[36m]\A[\e[m] [\e[37m][[\e[m][\e[31m]\w[\e[m][\e[37m]][\e[m]$(__git_ps1 "(%s)")$

My question is, what customization, tips and tricks do you have for the shell prompt?

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by wolf@lemmy.zip to c/linux@lemmy.ml

What are your 'defaults' for your desktop Linux installations, especially when they deviate from your distros defaults? What are your reasons for this deviations?

To give you an example what I am asking for, here is my list with reasons (funnily enough, using these settings on Debian, which are AFAIK the defaults for Fedora):

  • Btrfs: I use Btrfs for transparent compression which is a game changer for my use cases and using it w/o Raid I had never trouble with corrupt data on power failures, compared to ext4.

  • ZRAM: I wrote about it somewhere else, but ZRAM transformed even my totally under-powered HP Stream 11" with 4GB Ram into a usable machine. Nowadays I don't have swap partitions anymore and use ZRAM everywhere and it just works (TM).

  • ufw: I cannot fathom why firewalls with all ports but ssh closed by default are not the default. Especially on Debian, where unconfigured services are started by default after installation, it does not make sense to me.

My next project is to slim down my Gnome desktop installation, but I guess this is quite common in the Debian community.

Before you ask: Why not Fedora? - I love Fedora, but I need something stable for work, and Fedoras recent kernels brake virtual machines for me.

Edit: Forgot to mention ufw


I am playing around with Fedora Silverblue and openSUSE Aeon and I really like the painless updates.

Still, my daily driver for some years now is Debian, and I have a decent setup via Ansible - everything just works for me.

My question is mostly to long term Linux users, which use Linux in a professional context and jumped from a distribution like Fedora, Ubuntu, openSUSE or Debian to NixOS, Silverblue, Aeon etc.

What is your experience? How did your workflows change on your immutable Linux distribution? Did you try immutable and went back to a more traditional distribution - why? How long are you running the immutable distribution and what issues and perks did you run into?

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