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[–] Ranvier@lemmy.world 23 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Age up the clown some too with some wrinkles, that clown is 78, almost as old as the other guy.

Also poor Krusty, being compared to Trump.

[–] Ranvier@lemmy.world 14 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Then put me in with the 7 out of 10 Americans.

[–] Ranvier@lemmy.world 62 points 3 months ago (4 children)

Is bribery and corruption an ideology?

[–] Ranvier@lemmy.world 5 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Anti corruption laws, pushing for ranked choice voting, popular interstate vote compact, and fighting gerrymandering? Oh yeah, donated.

[–] Ranvier@lemmy.world 45 points 4 months ago (2 children)

I'm not sure what you mean? This article is about AMD. Nvidia is the one that skimps on the vram. Amd's 7800 xt has 16 gb of vram and is $500. Their most expensive gpu is the 7900 xtx for about $950 currently and it has 24 gb.

Nvidia 4080 is over $1000 and has 16 gb of vram though.

I agree gpus are too expensive, but if amd gpus go under, Nvidia will have even more power to price gouge. I'm rooting for Intel too to bring even more competition in.

[–] Ranvier@lemmy.world 27 points 1 year ago

Republicans? Making up outlandish lies as an excuse to force themselves into your doctor's office and making your own private health care decisions for you? No, I don't believe it, not the party of small government /s

[–] Ranvier@lemmy.world 8 points 1 year ago (2 children)

And unfortunately even if congress did pass an ethics law and the supreme court self declared they are ignoring it, then the only recourse would be impeachment and removal. I think we all know republicans wouldn't stand for their federalist society stooges to get booted, so we're left with the pretty unreasonable prospect of getting 67 seats in the senate controlled by democrats to make that happen. Since republicans are unwilling to enforce any ethics regulations on the court, Democrats would need to keep the presidency, retake the house in 2024, and probably need to end the filibuster to overcome Republican objections unless by some miracle they got up to 60+ seats in the senate, but I still think they should try and pass it. Having supreme court justices flagrantly ignore ethics regulations passed by congress may start to galvanize more support for further reforms.

[–] Ranvier@lemmy.world 25 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (4 children)


I don't know how anyone could disagree with Kagen here in good faith. Of course congress has the power to regulate the supreme court. They've passed numerous regulations for the court in the past, and the constitution expressly gives the power to regulate the specifics of the court to congress. Even the number of justices in the court is chosen by congress. It wasn't nine until they passed a bill saying it was. And congress can impeach and remove justices too. I think he more corrupt members of the court just fear any actual oversight happening for once.

[–] Ranvier@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Point taken. But I think bringing profits into it just makes things even more clear. Profit margins on film were as high as 80% for Kodak at times. I doubt any digital camera based company is making anything close to those kind of margins. Bringing people away from film cameras was definitely not in their best interest, but they did make digital cameras too, only beaten to the market by two years by Fuji Film (1991 vs 1989). They kind of even still do make digital cameras apparently? No idea how much involvement they have with them, but their branding is at least on them. Even if they had been more successful in digital cameras they would have needed a massive downsizing and shuttering of most of their chemical based jobs in Rochester, NY and other places. I think a transition to pharmaceuticals or other ways to leverage their core chemical manufacturing business would have made more sense, which they kind of tried too by purchasing at least one pharmaceutical company, but not very successful either. I think a lot went wrong at Kodak, but I don't think leaning even more heavily into digital photography would have saved them, and pushing in that direction certainly wouldn't have looked too appealing at the time given their massive monopoly and profits in film.

[–] Ranvier@lemmy.world 20 points 1 year ago (3 children)

They did actually make lots of digital cameras and were a pioneer in their development. But they were always a film business, not a camera business. The camera was just the vehicle for recurring payments in the form of film, an early subscription model business basically. Selling a single digital camera without the years of film purchases after was way less profitable for them. Even with a full switch to digital their business would have needed to rapidly decrease in size and scale, shuttering most of their factories aimed at producing chemicals for film. There was no real way for Kodak to continue on in the massive form it once had no matter how the switch to digital happened. Even the remaining camera industry is still shrinking in size now compared to where it was with the advent of camera phones. Market cap of Kodak in the 90s was like 30 billion not even accounting for inflation and higher valuation of stock in the 30 years since, compare that to something like Nikon who has a current market cap of 3.71 billion. So yeah, the executives were right to avoid transitioning if the goal was to maximize profits for share holders, and they're a corporation so that's definitely their goal, right or wrong.