
joined 9 months ago
[–] 3 points 5 hours ago

Thank you, been looking for a replacement for my soda stream but have been hesitant since it's so easy to get canisters for them, but none of the competitors.

[–] 44 points 5 hours ago (13 children)

Fuck soda stream, not only because there Israeli and had a factory in the occupied territories until backlash forced them out, they're also anti-repair.

I have one and one time I pumped it a bit too much and heard a pop and it would no longer work. I opened it up and found that a piece of foil had been ruptured, and found a video online of someone replacing it by unscrewing a plastic bit and replacing the foil. I eventually stripped the screw trying to get it out only to find in the comments of the video that they glue that screw in now . They don't sell a replacement part for it either so I eventually just had to use hot glue to seal it, which doesn't feel safe.

The foil seems designed to pop as a safety pressure release mechanism, but it basically bricks the unit afterwards and you have to buy a new one.

[–] 4 points 6 hours ago

They moved there factory out of the west bank, after heavy protest. Unless your referring to "Israel proper" as settled territory, which it is, but so is the u.s.

[–] 31 points 12 hours ago

To be fair, if that is a woman in the bottom panel then she probably would've had just as much luck in the 70s

[–] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Demand goes up but not production. Adding UBI doesn't increase the amount of wood harvested, or bricks produced or construction workers. In fact some construction workers may quit and go on UBI, lowering the production.

If demand goes up without production increasing, and thus supply, prices go up. This is part of the reason for the latest round of inflation, demand shot up after the pandemic but production was still at pandemic levels and yet to ramp back up.

Production in a lot of other places can ramp up relatively quickly to match demand if the infrastructure is built out already. In housing though production in general is slow and also slow to ramp up. It can take 2-3 years to build a house, and housing production takes years to increase. That's part of the reason housing is still so high right now, housing production plummeted after 2008 and we haven't gotten back to that even though prices and demand has skyrocketed.

All this is to say if UBI goes in it'll take years for the supply to increase, I think they're estimating housing production won't get up to match the current new high prices now until 2030. Meanwhile your landlord is increasing your rent as soon as you renew, and rents don't tend to ever go down after they're set. This is if new housing can be built at all, a lot of places in America are zoned for single family housing and all the land is taken so no new housing can be built, housing production is limited by desirable and developable land and that just doesnt exist in a lot of places.

This is all if you don't increase production, which the government can do, but they don't right now and they definitely won't if UBI comes in and replaces section 8 and all other welfare. If you do a universal jobs program though you can use those people to build affordable and public housing.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago (2 children)

It won't drop to zero since someone else will come in who will give them the extra $1000 because they need a place to live. Market forces don't dissappear with UBI, that's why when aggregate demand goes up and supply stays fixed, such as with housing, prices go up.

Say you pay $1500 for rent and there's another guy who pays $1200 and wants to upgrade to your apt. They get the $1000 UBI and now they have enough to bid up to $2200 for your apt. Now either you pay $2300 or your landlord evicts you to get the higher paying tenant. This percolates up and down the housing ladder from the homeless person who gets $1000 only to see rents increase to $1500 to the millionaire who now has to pay an extra $1000 drop in the bucket for there high-rise in Manhattan.

In capitalism your standard of living is determined by your ability to outbid the person on the rung below you to maintain that lifestyle. If everyone moves up a rung then nothing changes.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (5 children)

I've soured on it recently, if you gave everyone $1000 a month then your landlord is just going to raise your rent by $1000.

If full socialism is out of the picture, and we could enact something like UBI I think we should expand disability and social security for those who can't work and then do a universal guaranteed jobs program for those who can work because:

  1. It's way more politically viable. It's going to be almost impossible to convince a majority of Americans to "pay people to sit around all day". They'd be way more open to it if they're doing a job.

  2. We could use the labor on fields that the market doesn't value, such as building green infrastructure or social work for low income individuals. This would go along with expanding the definition of a job to any work that is benefiting society. If you're a parent spending all your time caring for a young or disabled child then that's a job and you should get paid for it.

  3. It you increase the wage for these guaranteed jobs that effectively raises the minimum wage since the private employers have to compete with the government. Why work at McDonald's for $10 an hour when the government is paying $15. If you raise UBI that may decrease wages as employers will use it as an excuse to pay less.

  4. Even for people making above minimum wage it gives the worker more bargaining power since your employer loses the threat of throwing you onto the streets. This is also true for UBI but only if it's enough to fully cover a comfortable life which I don't think will happen due to the inflation it may cause.

  5. It increases production which can help to increase supply and cover for the increase in demand giving people that much money will cause so inflation is checked more.

  6. People neeed a job, as in the expanded definition I gave above, it's a big part of how people make meaning in there life. The best case for someone not working would be they just play video games all day, worst case they turn to drug use.

[–] 6 points 2 days ago

Or an isp, we'll soon be longing for the days when we got to talk to an at&t customer service rep.

[–] 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I will, I'll also throw my trash in the trashcan, not because the planets going to thank me, but because I care for my environment, I hope you do as well

As for the child thing, I don't see how you can say this or this is less cruel then pushing over children, unless you have no sympathy for animals. If that's the case you shouldn't be around pets, or even kids for that matter, hell just stay away from people in general.

[–] 1 points 3 days ago (3 children)

Ah, name calling, the last refuge of bad takes.

If the whole point of your argument is that you're absolved of the bad things you do because there's someone out there doing worse things at a greater scale, then I have addressed it multiple times with the analogy showing that's not how ethics work. You haven't addressed the analogy or shown how it's different.

So tell me why don't you just go around pushing kids over for fun?, there's people out there doing way worse to a lot more kids.

Why shouldn't you just litter and throw your trash in the river?, there are a lot of companies out there dumping way more into that river, your bag of trash is a drop in the bucket.

If you follow this logic of "theres a worse guy out there so my relatively minor transgressions are fine" then you just become a scumbag . Yeah, you're not evil, but society would be a lot better without you.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago (7 children)

I will, and i will also feel good about not assaulting children even though there are people out there slaughtering droves of them.

So your evidence for this grand elite conspiracy is one article from the new York post. Tell me what's the advertising budget for crickets, or if you've ever even seen an ad for crickets? Cause the advertising budget for Tyson foods alone is over $200 million . That's just the industry itself, that doesn't include restaurants like McDonald's etc. That are also pushing you to buy meat. Tyson foods alone also lobbies the government to the tune of $2.8 million. The big money is not trying to get you to eat crickets, it's trying to get you to eat meat.

[–] 3 points 4 days ago (9 children)

What is with you guys and bugs? Do you really think vegetarians eat bugs or want you to eat bugs?

We eat and want you to eat beans, but I guess that's not disgusting enough for you to get mad over.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

First of all this isn't an anti-weed post, I use weed regularly and enjoy it. What I'm arguing against is occasional use, once a month or less, at that level your tolerance usually resets between uses. The thing they don't tell you in health class is tolerance goes both ways, you become tolerant to both the positives and negatives of use. For weed the negative im referring to is anxiety, though short term memory loss also goes down with more regular use. Whenever I take a break and then start doing weed again I get way too in my head and anxious which usually goes away after a couple sessions. This has also become worse with modern legal strains that have become way too concentrated. Dispensary edibles are a bit better since you can dose them easier but even then the longer the time in between uses the more likely you'll forget what's a good dosage. I see this a lot with friends who don't regularly do weed and they smoke with me, get way too high, have a bad time and then won't do it again for a while and repeat the cycle. So for those type of people I'd recommend not doing weed at all or doing it more regularly so you can keep your tolerance up. No shame in picking either but the middle ground kinda sucks.

EDIT: a lot of people are saying get lower percentage strains or higher CBD ones, to that I'd say I wish I could. I always try and get the lowest percentage stuff I can find at the dispensary and that stuffs still usually in the high teens percent THC with less then a percent CBD here in SF. So I guess part of this is just a rant on how stupidly concentrated modern weed is and how it leaves little margin for error.

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