Last time you asked for help, folks suggested therapy. Have you looked into any of the local free options? My offer of looking for you is still on the table, just let me know what state/province etc!
I think a lot of the responses you're getting (and their upvotes) are pretty good reflections of the problem you're addressing.
I imagine the user base is a bit more diverse than the comments etc let on. It is just exhausting to even try to explain a conservative perspective viewpoint t here so I think a lot of folks just keep their heads down on anything political.
While a lot of folks have zero interest in venturing outside of their ideological comfort zones, I wonder if there sre enough of us that we could make some /community work. There were a few on reddit that were private or super tightly moderated that were pretty interesting for stuff like that...
Oh yeah the first ones were pretty bad for that. But once they figured "anti shock" iirc they were good enough to play from my jacket pocket while walking around.
Mp3s were absolutely a game changer. I bizzarely had a cd player that could handle regular cds and cds with MP3s and spent a couple days copying over a few cds worth of mp3s before I spent a year abroad.
And for all that, I bet you also appreciate the shit out of having all music all the time in all the places.
Maybe fully appreciate isn't quite the right phrase but there is something to having been forced to do things a worse way that helps you remain constantly grateful for the improvement.
Eg...I went from walkmen to cds. Holy God that was so much better, even if the first few players were pretty bad. I still chuckle when I think about my effectively unlimited access to almost all the music I can imagine vs fast forwarding to get to the song I wanted, if I was lucky enough to have the right tape on hand.
Oddly, off the top of my head, I'm not sure the most recent generation of younger adults (say, 18-25ish, whatever the "basically grew up w smartphones" generation is) have had any similar groundbreaking changes beyond AI which uhhh, isn't super popular here. Some stuff has improved (graphics etc) but off the top of my head I can't think of something that's really solved a constant annoyance. (I imagine fully autonomous vehicles would be another similar tech leap.
Ehhhhhh, I think it's a little of column A and a little of column B.
I think the biggest tik tok contributor is people now hear about ADHD and decide because they get bored in schoo sometimes they must have it etc. (As someone who struggles not to chew through their own gums as a form of fidgeting, I find this really irritating.) But let's put that aside because I don't think that's what you're asking about. I'll also ignore the fact that more people are walking into therapists having read all the symptoms and knowing essentially what to say to receive a "diagnosis."
To the actual question, I do think TikTok/smartphones/internet are definitely rewiring our brains in ways that mirror a lot of symptoms of ADD/ADHD. There's a depressingly good book about it called the Shallows but the basic thesis is that the financial incentives of the internet are geared to keep you clicking and moving through things (so you see more new ads) which habituated people to very short term impulses/reward structures. In other words, impulse control and trouble focusing long term.
This seems perfect, I am stoked. Thanks!
Life is pretty awesome, I'm lucky enough to enjoy most days. Work's engaging, after work I play sports with friends 3 days a week, other weekdays are organized to fit in chores or other friends. And weekends are for bigger plans and/or chores, plus another soccer game or two with friends.
I didn't say it was justified because of politicians, just that it wasn't a crazy position.
I have no idea how this validates or invalidates the Economist. I get that you think this is some sort of gotchya but it's pretty darned weak.
Stillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll waiting for your critique of the Gaza coverage. (I know, silly to ask, it's never going to come.)
Have a pleasant new years.
America committed genocide in the internment camps?
Christ, I have way better things to do than fight over definitions with someone with too much time on their hands.
... Though, I will say I have no idea why you'd want to take that position. As you're on the side that's trying to extinguish a culture (the Russian Ukranians in Odessa, which again, is what the article is about. Just read the dang thing.)
Have a good New Years eve!
Are you high?
Just read the comment thread, pay attention to usernames.
No idea where you're getting genocide from my comments.
I've seen your posts and comments, they're all the same. "Everyone else is a dumb, I don't like anything, I'm just going to jerk it in my room."
Sadly, it's not an uncommon personality.
If you want an NYE you don't have to spend alone and sad, you can take steps to remedy it. If you choose not to, that's on you.
Okay, if you're not American odds are much better there's helpful services! If you give me a province/region/country, I'll happily look into what mental health services are available.