Oh good, there's a rule in place to stop republicans. I can now rest easy.
You know, there's technically nothing stopping them from voting for Putin as Speaker of the House.
I grew up in the Southern Baptist Church and I remember the preacher standing in front of the whole church preaching about why we need to support Israel because rebuilding the temple is required for Armageddon. They read Revelations and want to experience it, rather than fear it.
It's probably in the US. We have no justice here.
Bartley suggested that murder was not the appropriate charge because the shooting came at a time of “extreme emotional disturbance” for his client.
The extreme emotional disturbance is because he was accused of not properly training and supervising his deputy... who raped a woman in the judge's office.
While you'd think an adult (the deputy) would know that they shouldn't rape someone, the sheriff is the one who deputized him, and is responsible for giving him power in the community.
I think we're doing dimensional shingles again, even though I'm told the ones we're replacing must have been defective because they look really bad for being only 15 years old.
I'd asked about a metal roof, but I was told they can leak if anyone has to walk on it, and it's very difficult to locate a leak when one forms.
But then your loved one (mom, dad, sister,child) dies.
If I were behind you I would have honked at you for not honking at them.
If I was behind the car that's behind you and they aren't honking at you for not honking at the person in front of you, I would then honk at the person behind you.
There's nothing wrong with a honk to get someone's attention when they should be driving.
I'm sure he's changed his mind on the subject since then.
We've gone 2 days without a CEO being killed... but we're back to elementary schools being shot up.
And so it goes.